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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Denise Donovan on Delusional Parasitosis

Editor’s Note:  This was posted by Denise on LinkedIn and I found it impressive enough to post as a separate piece.  Please enjoy Denise’s comments. 

Ekbom's syndrome (Delusional Parasitosis), in these cases the experience of the sensation known as formication or (tactile hallucination) may provide the basis for this belief.
Delusional Parasitosis is real, and with professional help it can be medically managed or eliminated altogether. Morgellons also called Morgellons Disease or Morgellons Syndrome is a condition characterized by a range of cutaneous (skin) symptoms including crawling, biting, and stinging sensations (formication); finding fibers on or under the skin; and persistent skin lesions (e.g., rashes or sores).
Doctor’s first reaction to the symptoms is Delusional Parasitosis because of the similarities but as time goes by they are now seeing evidence of fibers within the skin to prove these patients are not so delusional. Lord knows out of the 4 to 500 calls I get monthly, that I also get a fair share of OCD, Delusional Parasitosis , Post Traumatic Stress(PTS) and Suicide attempts. Although much different than what techs do, I am on the phone and not standing beside them. I specifically wrote the book - Bed Bug Health Effects - Physical and MentalHealth Implications of Bed Bugs.
In Chapter 6, I cover Social, Mental, Emotional and Financial Health Implications of Bed Bugs The reason I wrote that book is that many doctors were misdiagnosing bites as "allergies" and such. Meanwhile, the poor person is dealing with a rash that never goes away and the bed bugs continue to reproduce causing yet more of a problem. It can be a difficult situation and must be handled with love and care.

[At] times, all they may need is validation because their families and friends tell them they are crazy. Some may need a little "attention" so I give them a big hug over the phone. I usually explain to them that it isn't rare at all for some people to feel the after affects of bed bugs and can cause some to feel they still have them (validating them). (I myself, have post traumatic stress to this day. .

I spent three and a half months in the hospital, 1 month in a coma, 5 surgeries, MRSA, Gangrene, almost lost my leg, had to learn to walk again - all because of a Brown Recluse spider. Whenever a hair should fall across my neck or back I go into the dance of the seven veils and my throat tightens up thinking I have a spider on me) Using the process of elimination usually gets them "thinking".   All other possibilities must be ruled out first.

I then spend some time educating them a little more on bed bugs and their nature, validate the control methods used, assure them that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and share what others have gone through so they don't think their so different. I usually get them laughing by telling them "Don't think your some kind of special - anyone who has blood is susceptible to bed bugs, and I believe that covers approximately 7 billion people worldwide".

Once I get them better understanding and get them calmed down I then suggest that "if" this should go on more than a week or so after pest control has finished and proclaim "all clear" that they might go see their doctor just to "make sure". That usually does it. Personally, from my experience with people, I think OCD is worse! Happy New Year Everyone - May this year be healthy, happy and prosperous for all!

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