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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, February 13, 2012

Zone of Reality: Castro Notes

By Rich Kozlovich

I find it fascinating how much everyone "knows" about Castro that simply isn't true. What is little everyone knows about his fellow travelers, like Ernest Hemingway. I know there are those who excuse him due to his mental problems, and there is a great deal of information claiming that he was merely a correspondent during the Spanish Civil War, but the reality was a bit different.

In his book "Hoodwinked, How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture, Jack Cahill states on page 57 that ; "By 1936, at the height of the Popular Front honeymoon, the Comintern enjoyed a near monopoly on world media. With just a little prodding the best and brightest of the international left rushed to Spain as war correspondents. The New Statesman sent George Orwell. The North American Newspaper alliance send Ernest Hemmingway. Colliers sent Martha Gellhorn. The Times of London sent Kim Philby.
(Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby (1 January 1912 – 11 May 1988 was a high-ranking member of British intelligence who worked as a spy for and later defected to the Soviet Union. A communist, he served as an NKVD and KGB operative. In 1963, Philby was revealed to be a member of the spy ring now known as the Cambridge Five, the other members of which were Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt and John Cairncross. Of the five, Philby is believed to have been most successful in providing secret information to the Soviet Union. His activities were moderated only by Joseph Stalin's fears that he was secretly on Britain's side.  Philby was an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) from 1946 to 1965.)
The London News Chronically sent Arthur Koestler, The Nations send Louis Fischer…… Koestler was working undercover for the Comintern. Philby was of course a Soviet agent spying on the Nationalists, Gellhorn was a fellow traveler….[and] Hemingway….was drilling the International Brigades. And the young Orwell actually joined a Republican -often called “Loyalist” -fighting force. So much for objectivity."

As the war progressed the Soviet NKVD became very active in Spain eliminating those communists in the “Republican” forces that weren’t Stalinists. Even Orwell was able to see this. Are we to assume the Hemingway didn’t? Well....Mr. Macho did and didn't care.

One of the people killed by the NKVD was a Republican leader, Jose Robles. He had disappeared and not even his wife knew where he was. Hemingway had already been “chastised by Phillip Knightley for his “total failure to report the communists persecution, imprisonment, and summary execution of ‘untrustworthy’ elements in the Republican side, when he knew this was happening and when disclosing it might well have prevented further horrors like this.”

So when he found out about what actually happened to Robles he took “sadistic pleasure” in publically informing Robles friend, Dos Passos, that Robles had been executed as a fascist spy. Nothing ever happened to Hemingway by the NKVD. Why? Because he was part and parcel of that package.

Communism had thoroughly infested the Hollywood literati. We know that from the VENONA intercepts. We know that Lillian Hellman, Dashiell Hammett and that whole literary crowd were not only communists they were Stalinists. Are we to believe that Hemingway wasn't? His life and his actions indicate otherwise.

My purpose for discussing all of this history is to lay a logical foundation for what you are about to read. Please enjoy this latest piece of profound provocation leading to enlightenment.

Castro Regime Opens Nightclub in Washington D.C.
By Humberto Fontova

Castro's embassy (euphemized as "Interest Section") in Washington D.C. will soon open and in-house "invitation-only" nightclub named "Hemingway's Bar." The news comes courtesy of The Atlantic Magazine -- the same Atlantic that a year ago smugly predicted Communism's immediate end in Cuba. Fidel Castro himself had vouchsafed the scoop to a smug Atlantic editor visiting his fiefdom at the time. "I plan to go and will want a Hemingway Daiquiri," smirks the Atlantic magazine's senior editor Steve Clemons regarding the upcoming Hemingway's Bar, "double the rum, and no sugar." (All drinks will be on the house, actually. Buying from Castro's regime remains illegal in the U.S.) That Cuba's Stalinist regime names a bar after a KGB agent who accompanied a beaming Che Guevara while watching his beloved firing squads murder hundreds of men and boys seems fitting. That the Atlantic magazine's senior editor should smugly anticipate an invitation to the Stalinist regime's exclusive bar also seems fitting. That he plans to order its namesake "Hemingway Daiquiri," must fill Atlantic readers....

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