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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, January 11, 2025

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

This Link will take you to My Commentaries. 

By Rich Kozlovich


I gotta tell ya, the amount of stuff that hitting the fan these days is unending.  This week we saw a corrupt prosecution of Trump come to a temporary conclusion with a corrupt judge declaring an innocent man guilty of false "felony" charges, and then rendering a sentence with no penalties, all of which will be overturned.  

But this is far from over.   Have these people committed crimes?  I have no doubt they have, and I believe there will be a massive RICO investigation that will lead in directions that will shock the nation over all these corrupt lawfare schemes against Trump, his supporters, and any attorney that dared to represent them.  

 It gets better, Joe Biden says he's warned Trump not to use the government to settle political scores, and Trump won't because there's a difference between lawfare with made up laws by corrupt prosecutors allowed by corrupt judges, and those who've actually committed crimes..... and no one is above the law.  

For years I've touted the need for term limits on Congress, and especially the federal judiciary, and now it appears Republicans are going to propose a Constitution Amendment on term limits and if I understand that correctly this is what Trump wants.  As a side bar, there's talk about prohibiting all members of Congress from buying stocks because they have inside information not available to the public.  But I think that's unconstitutional and have no delusions, I absolutely believe insider trading isn't the exception among stock traders, it's the rule.  But if they're term limited, their corruption will be limited. 

Here's a story I really like, and will be following up as time goes by, Mike Waltz to Clean Out Deep Staters from National Security Council: ‘We’re Taking Resignations at 12:01’ on January 20

News exclusively that every intelligence official from the various departments and agencies across the federal government currently detailed to the National Security Council (NSC) at the White House under outgoing President Joe Biden will be expected to vacate the premises by 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time on Inauguration Day when President-elect Donald Trump is inaugurated again...........a previous Trump NSC political appointee named Josh Steinman had sent out a thread on X.......... a warning that he was concerned about some of the staffing moves at the NSC. ........... Steinman’s claims were wrong and could have been addressed quickly in a phone call rather than creating a public hullaballoo............“It’s a pretty straightforward process,” Waltz told Breitbart News. “Because a good portion of the NSC are detailees, out from the agencies, our team knows who we want to bring in and we’re putting those requests out and we’re going to bring them in.”

Well, the story gets better.  Alexander Vindman the Lt. Col who was once an NSC member who made false statements under oath during hearings and leaked classified information, (which if reports are to believed he wasn't alone in this activity) is really upset at Mike Waltz plan to clear out the deep staters at the NSC.  Imagine that.     Elon Musk says Vindman is guilty of treason and needs to pay the price.  Either way, can there be any doubt a good steam cleaning is needed there, and the need for this kind of DEI purge in the military also, which can't come quickly enough.   

The Laken Riley Act which would give more tools for ICE to deal with illegal aliens who commit crimes, and should have passed unanimously had nine Democrats who voted against it: 

Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) - Senator Cory Booker (NJ) - Senator Andy Kim (NJ) - Senator Mazie Hirono (HI) - Senator Brian Schatz (HI) - Senator Tina Smith (MN) - Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA) - Senator Ed Markey (MA) - Senator Jeff Merkley (OR) 

Now there's a list of misfits that makes a amazingly strong argument for term limits.  

Since Jimmy Carter died the Pravda media just about drooled over how great a man Carter was, and it was the same media that eviscerated Reagan when he died, but I've done my best to correct all that corruption they've spewed out. 
Why was John Lennon’s atheist anthem ‘Imagine’ sung at Jimmy Carter’s funeral — at the late president’s request?  And people are shocked why? This just confirms what so many have already concluded; Carter subscribed to the "progressive gospel", just like Hillary Clinton, and explains his corrupt thinking while President, and his failures afterward. 
CNN’s Acosta said the GOP should have ‘flat out rejected’ Trump, and of course we should assume it's because he was concerned for the good of the Republican party.  Right? Well, after CNN goes down the drain, or is sold at fire sale prices, It will be interesting to see how well he can say, "Welcome to McDonalds".
“Death Panels” to Euthanize Citizens Not “Worthy of Healthcare”

For some reason Ken Cuccinelli has all of a sudden been in the news discussing deportation and using the military to secure the border.  I'm not sure what that's about but I like him and this may be worth watching.  
As for the L.A. fire disaster, which my first article covers, as this unravels it's really gonna get ugly as these misfits finger point and blame each other, and even some will condemn the Democrat party.  Many I'm sure will try to project their blame on Trump, Republicans, conservatives, etc.  The Democrats have handed conservatives a major gift, and this may become a major turning point in American politics. 
Democrats are leaderless and even AOC who lost getting Chairmanship for the House Oversight Committee is trying to become their leader.  She's 35 and her opponent is 74 and that's telling as the rift between the young and old Democrats is going to widen, and darken.
But now AOC is trying to tell the Democrats how much she's matured.  Which is the same as AOC saying to the world, "everything I've done and said in the past were the foolish rantings of an immature ignorant snotty 35 year old child, but I'm over that now and you should make me President."  What could possibly go wrong?
Finally, but not the least, is how the people of the UK have become outraged over these Muslim rape gangs.  The media is controlled in all of Europe, and they've managed to keep their populations mostly ignorant, but Elon Musk, no matter how much I dislike him, must be give a lot of kudos over this and European leaders are really upset at him.  He's being rude!  Amazing, they're allowing wolves to destroy their flocks, but his being rude is their major concern?  Well, they shouldn't worry about Musk, they need to start worrying about what an outraged public is going to do.  Here is my Muslim Rape file.  I will be having much more on this over the coming weeks, but in the meanwhile let's try and get this right once, just once, please, multiculturalism is a disaster.
I have twelve commentaries of my own, and twenty two by others, and I think they're offering real meat for your perusal.  Have a great weekend, and best wishes to all people of good will. 

My Commentaries

  1. Hello Hollywood, Welcome to Reality
  2. End Sue and Settle, Forever!!!
  3. Joe Biden's Legacy Will Stand the Test of Time
  4. Stop Drinking the Kool-Aid!
  5. What Did the Royal Family Know, and When Did They Know It?
  6. Border Czar Homan: I Like His Style!
  7. The Nation's Solution to Overpopulation? Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
  8. Who Really is Donald Trump?
  9. The Transformation of the FBI
  10. Biden Befouls Everything He Touches
  11. Observations From the Back Row
  12. Greenies Lie, Period!


  1. Merchan Insists on Sentencing Trump By Susan Daniels
  2. What Everyone Misses on Trump’s Greenland Gambit By Mark Angelides
  3. Musk, Farage, and Tommy Robinson – Here’s the Deal
  4. Life is All About the Patterns
  5. The January 6th Con is Still On
  6. New Poll Clarifies Where the Two Big Parties Stand  By Leesa K. Donner
  7. An Entirely Different January 6 By Tim Donner
  8. The True Cost of Wind Energy — Updated By John Droz, Jr.
  9. Media Balance Newsletter for January 6, 2025
  10. UN Blocks Aid to Gaza to Fake a Famine  By Daniel Greenfield
  11. Don’t Take the Train
  12. Congress Must Expose the Senility Coup
  13. Dems Demand Biden Aid Black Klansman
  14. Jimmy Carter: Perhaps a nice man, but a lousy president By Robin Itzler
  15. Events in America and Around the World
  16. Bizarre End To The Trump Criminal Prosecution By Francis Menton
  17. Government Failure in Africa By Dan Mitchell
  18. Left-Wing Economists Were Wildly Wrong about Javier Milei and his Libertarian Agenda for Argentina
  19. A Parting Insult to American Households from Joe Biden
  20. Good Riddance, Justin Trudeau
  21. The Miracle of Compounding Growth, Part II
  22. Republican Budget Games


  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor
 No matter what anyone says, you can’t marginalize the truth!  You can suppress it, you can ignore it, you can avoid it, you can attempt to undermine it, you can attempt to subvert it, you can attempt to organize against it, you can even laugh at it, but if we have the courage and the fortitude to stand and confront the lies, irrespective of the personal costs, the truth will stand the test of time, because truth and time are on the same side.
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