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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Stop Drinking the Kool-Aid!

Ignorance and freedom cannot exist together

By Rich Kozlovich

I'm unendingly amazed at how conservative writers and thinkers, presumably all critical thinkers, can become mesmerized with them foolishly defending the push to promote these H-1B visas.

Let's try and get this right, once, just once, please.  Just because Donald Trump is for something that doesn't make it right!  Give credit where credit is due, but never forget, "everything is to be questioned", and stop drinking the Kool-Aid, that's what leftists do, and what the leadership on the left relies on, unfortunately it's ubiquitously a people thing.

Jacob Fraden posted this article at American Thinker, The Brain Import That Saved The Soviet Union, to promote acceptance of, and the opening up of,  more immigration via H-1B visas, a blatantly corrupt program.  We are not getting the best or the brightest.  What we're getting is cheap labor that allows big corporations to dump American workers.   Even Bernie Sanders and Rep. Jamie Raskin got it right:

"The main function of the H-1B visa program is not to hire ‘the best and the brightest,’  but rather to replace good-paying American jobs with low-wage indentured servants from abroad,” ......“The cheaper the labor they hire, the more money the billionaires make.”

Being in agreement with those two I almost broke out in hives, but .... hey.... even a blind coconut can find a squirrel occasionally, even if the coconuts are "squirrely", and blatantly corrupt lying hypocrites. 

Fraden goes on to discuss how Russia's communists destroyed their industrialists, their intellectuals, and their scientists but in a in short order restored all of that by importing those types from other nations, calling it a "technological miracle". 

Fraden's arguments are only partially correct historically, but they are fallacious, and his conclusions are all wrong. The problem with Russia and China was they couldn't restore their intellectual base within their nations for two reasons.  

They murdered/imprisoned/destroyed those who were capable, and capable of teaching the next generation of industrialists/scientists/intellectuals. There was no one left!  So they had no choice but to go to outsiders.

That's not true here in America.

The nitwits in academia at the top of the power structure in many of the nation's universities are promoting DEI programs enrolling a huge number of people who could only graduate if they massively lowered their standards, and they have. And then worked to destroy the minds of those capable of "doing", turning American education into a snare and a racket.

But that's not true in all of American academia, there's still a solid base of universities with intelligent "doers" who are turning out capable "doers" and this can be turned around overnight by ending all funding to the misfits, which I've been writing about for over ten years.  So, if the bugman could see what was happening, and can see the solution, we have to know there are a lot of people out there who saw the problem and have the solutions.

American capitalism is like a force of nature when unshackled by idiotic regulations promoted by leftists to destroy the economy. Well, so too will be American academia once the leftist nitwits in control are dumped from government and academia. We do not need this corrupt H-1 Visa program which my article explains why, and it really disturbs me to see how many conservative writers are swallowing the Kool-Aid just because Trump is for it.  Donny is wrong, Fraden is wrong, and so too is every conservative writer defending this foolishness.  

De Omnibus Dubitandum.  Everything is to be questioned. 

Update:  This isn't about H-1B directly.  It's about corporate motives and values, which is what H-1B is all about.  While this certainly isn't reflective of all business owners, it is reflective of how much corruption does exist in corporate thinking.  Big fine, but no one went to jail, and considering the numbers involved, this is a major crime conspiracy.  H-1B is a way around the illegalities of getting cheap immigrant labor.   Ohio Meat-Packing Company Pays Fine for Stealing American Citizens’ Identities and Giving Them to Illegal Immigrants to Work 

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