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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, August 24, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

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By Rich Kozlovich 

My theme for this week is "Culture is King", which Herodotus said 2500 years go, and nothing's changed.  Truth is eternal, as long as we're willing to accept it, and that really is the issue, isn't it?  But whether we accept or not, the truth is still the truth, and will very patiently wait for us. 

You can't reason people out of positions they've not be reasoned into, but you can "experience" people out of those positions, and the antisemitism that's inflaming the nation today is shocking, and I believe it has to even shock secular Jews.  There's a movement among Jews as they're discovering the leftists in government hates them.  

Well, if someone says they hate you and want to destroy you, you should believe them.  And just because so many Jews are now secularized and worship leftism, they'd better get this right in their heads. If these monsters take over, they won't care if they're secular or religious, the antisemites are going to lump them all together. That's history, and that history is incontestable.  The same is becoming clear to Catholics as the FBI has listed devout traditional Catholics as domestic terrorists.  

The DNC love fest is over, and we've now seen Kamala's "Unburdened Campaign".  We've seen a lot of rhetoric, a lot of lies, but there's little to no policy solutions, other than raising taxes, and pushing more regulations, for the problems facing the nation, many of them created by this administration.  And then there we're the liars who support her blaming Trump for the disaster they've created and will turn into a national disaster if they continue in power.  As one writer noted they're trying to turn her into a renewed and joyful "My Fair Lady", but it's blatantly clear she's the Wicked Witch of the West, who would love to somehow have her historical "burden" disappear. 

The usual liars are always spouting off in the Pravda media like Jamie Raskin, a notorious liar. He's always been a liar, and in the future when his lips are moving, there will be more lies, and the halfwits, nitwits, and misfits who infest Maryland's 8th District love him for it. He's going to win this election. As of June 30 he has campaign cash of $3,616,675. His Republican opponent had $2,183. There's no support for the Republican candidate because no Republican can win in that district, it doesn't matter how much money that candidate has since a huge number of people living in that district have ties to the federal government's feeding trough. 

Schumer is a disgrace as a human being, why would we think he's not a disgrace in everything he does?  There's that old line, paraphrased here: "How do I know if leftists are lying? Their lips are moving " The sadder thing is how the media goes along with it.  Then there's Bernie Sanders who spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union, and yet he's still a communist in values and principle. In fact it's been reported that trip shaped his views. These people are all certifiable.

All this week it was being reported that RFK, Jr. would drop out and support Trump, and vilify the corruption in the Democrat party.  He's done so, and the talk now is how was this going to impact the election.  Well,  I don't think it matters except for PR purposes. The truth is I doubt his endorsement would be all that helpful to Trump, and how harmful will it be to Democrats is debatable. 

His voters are Democrats, and they're left wing radicals, just like Kennedy, or they wouldn't be supporting him, so they're either going to vote for Kamala, or they simply won't vote. The "Republican" votes he was going to get would be from nitwits like Liz Chaney, Mitt Romney, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, etc.  Just as Susan Collins is going to write in Nikki Haley instead of voting for Trump, they weren't going to vote for Trump no matter what, they're already lost votes, and that number is small, and after this all plays out, that number will be even smaller, so, who cares? Culture is king, and they're no longer part of the conservative culture, and will be shunned, except by the Pravda media who will trot them out for their views, even though no one really cares what they have to say.  The right despises them, and the left laughs at them

The question that should be on everyone's lips is what's he getting in return? If Trump just says thank you and walks away, then it's not a problem. If Kennedy gets anything in return, it's a problem. He's a Kennedy, he's a radical leftist, and did I mention he's a Kennedy. Oh, yeah I did, and so let me say it again. He's a Kennedy. Nuf Ced?  

As for the media, they've  never been honest, the only difference over the history of American "news" what's referred to as the "main stream media", or the "legacy Media", fooled the nation into believing they were mostly impartial, and that was a lie. When the alternative media came on line they smeared them but to no avail. Time and truth are on the same side, and time has not been a friend to what I'm calling the " Pravda media", the propaganda wing of the left, just it was for the USSR. 

Chris Cuomo blasts DNC for ‘price-gouging’ rhetoric…while it gouges convention-goers for luxury amenities."  Wow! We're now seeing moral outrage from Chris Cuomo and moral outrage from Joe Biden because leftist Democrats are corrupt, hypocritical,lying, backstabbing creeps.  And they just now noticed that, and they're shocked, shocked I tell you.  Kinda like Captain Renault. Remarkable!  Oh, wait, I just had a thought. They must have had a Road to Damascus epiphany.   Nah, they're just mad their leftist corrupt nutcase buddies won't let them play in their sand box any longer.

Nothing's changed. The left lies, and then the media hides, twists, and convolutes the truth, while creating lies of their own to smear anyone who dares to attempt to expose the truth.There's an upside to this. CNN is crashing and this will merely help that to happen. And when they crash, we can celebrate.

The NYT claimed the Holodomor was a lie, all the while knowing it was absolutely true, and still refuses to return the Pulitzer Walter Duranty won with the vile lies he spouted to cover for Stalin's deliberate starvation of millions of the Ukrainian people in the 1930's.

Since I write about everything that goes on in the world, I subscribe to a number of news sources, including geopolitical sites, and I find reading their views is often a painful task, and  these days I more often than not just scan rather than read as I can see the foolish direction they're going in so many of their commentaries, and since it's the same pattern over and over again, I know what they're going to say.  

We need to get this, capitalism and conservatism aren't necessarily pages in the same book.

I was an exterminator for 40 years and served for 25 of them of them as a officer or board member of a number of our industry trade associations, and I discovered believing that large corporations and manufacturers are conservative is a serious error in judgement, they're as slippery as a Tallyrand, or a Kissinger.   At best.... I found them to be leaky vessels as allies dealing with major legislation, including the Montreal Protocol, the Kyoto Accords, the Colony Collapse Disorder lies, etc. 

Calling them leaky vessels is being kind, since entirely too often they're views are simply self-serving and corrupt. They even corrupt the trade associations turning them into cats paws for big government activism and unwarranted and abusive regulations, and FDR utilized that to promote his unconstitutional National Recovery Act. It seems no matter how obvious the lies are, historically there are always a substantial number who will not embrace the truth, so my optimism level is low.

The left, and I include the green movement among them, in the last 235 years has cause the death of millions of innocent people, and justified it by claiming they were saving humanity from________(fill in the blank) to justify their murders, and the media has been a co-conspirator to these crimes against humanity. We really need to get that if we're to fix the culture.

This week for reasons I can't define, I only have five offerings, and seventeen from other writers.  There are six from my friend Robin Itzler extracted from her newsletter, and I think they're pretty good. Subscribe, it's free.  

It's a beautiful day, and I'm going to work on my outside projects today.  Ya gotta have projects!  Enjoy the weekend with my very best wishes!

My Commentaries

  1. Now's the Time to Start Seeing Reality, Thinking Clearly, and Acting Rationally!
  2. Cartoon of the Day
  3. Culture is King!
  4. The Woman, the Myth, and the Truth
  5. Let Kamala Be Kamala


  1. Kamala Unburdens Herself of Her Record at DNC By Mark Angelides
  2. When the Vibe Fades, What Remains at the DNC? By Mark Angelides
  3. Fourth Estate Out on a Limb for Kamala By Mark Angelides
  4. Try A Brain By John Droz, Jr.
  5. Election Integrity in a Nutshell By John Droz, Jr.
  6. The Unburdened Campaign By Daniel Greenfield
  7. Kamala’s Brother-in-Law Set America on Fire  By Daniel Greenfield
  8. Kamala Picks Terror Supporter as “Liaison” to American Jews By Daniel Greenfield
  9. Is The GOP Ready For Dem Cheating? By Robin Itzler
  10. More on Communist Tim Walz By Robin Itzler
  11. It's The Economy Stupid!  By Robin Itzler
  12. Are We Now a Radical Socialist Nation, Or Is the Tide Turning to Freedom?  By Robin Itzler
  13. Polls, We Have Polls, We Have Lots and Lots of Polls! By Robin Itzler
  14. Kamala Rallies: Not What They Seem By Robin Itzler
  15. The Energy Transition Ain't Happening: "Clean Fuels" By Francis Menton
  16. Michelle Obama, Class-Warfare, and Clueless Hypocrisy By Dan Mitchell
  17. Chicago’s Recipe for Fiscal Crisis By Dan Mitchell

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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!

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