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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Vdare in the Crosshairs of Letitia!

Joe Fried CPA Apr 01, 2024 @ Joe Fried CPA Election Central


The people who run Vdare, a New York nonprofit organization focused on U.S. immigration policy, have good reason to be very worried. Just as she did with former President Donald Trump, Letitia James is using her authority and resources to selectively target conservative groups. Vdare is now dead center in her crosshairs.

You may or may not agree with the advocacy of Vdare, but that’s not the point. What matters is the right of all American citizens to excercise their first amendment privilege to speak freely, without being selectively targeted by a thug who shouldn’t be the attorney general of New York, or even a licensed attorney.

Recently, Tucker Carlson interviewed Lydia Brimelow regarding the effort of James to destroy the organization that her husband, Peter Brimelow, created. Here is an excerpt from the beginning of the interview, followed by a link to the entire show. It is well worth reading. 


The story of Peter and Lydia Brimelow explains why they're afraid. Peter Brimelow has been a journalist for 50 years. Worked at a whole bunch of what are now called mainstream publications. Was an editor—Barron's, Forbes, National Review, Dow Jones, a legitimate old school journalist. And in the late 90s, he began to ask questions about our immigration scheme. Is this really good idea, is it helping America? And of course, no one could answer those questions because the answer is obvious. No, it's destroying America; as it destroyed California, so it will destroy your state. That's certain. But for asking that question, he was fired from his jobs and shunted off into what we call the fringes. But he didn't stop. He started a website called VDARE. He runs it now with his wife, Lydia.

Use this link to read more of the transcript, or to watch the entire show on “X.”

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