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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Greenfield Gazette

By Daniel Greenfield @ The Point

Club For the Galacticly Stupid

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: The Moon is “Made Up Mostly of Gases” - “How could we as humans live on the moon? Are the gases such that we could do that?”  Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee served as a member of the House Science Committee and the Ranking Member on the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee. And has spent almost 30 years in Congress. She’s also an almost unbelievable idiot. There was a story going around that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee when visiting the Johnson Space Center asked whether the Mars Pathfinder would be able to find “the flag the astronauts planted there before”. Rep. Lee’s people denied that one up and down. Unfortunately for her, this one was caught on video..............

2024 Election

 Biden Offers $300 Billion Bribe to Buy 30 Million Voters -AThat comes out to be about $10,000 per voter.   After $138 billion in bribes already, Biden visited Wisconsin to corruptly promise “student loan debt” transfer from his potential voters to the taxpayers who are already facing $100,000 in debt per household from the national debt.  Why Wisconsin? It’s a battleground state...............Biden has boasted about ignoring the Supreme Court’s ruling to push what he misleadingly calls “student loan forgiveness”. It’s not forgiveness, it’s a transfer of the debt from the people he sees as his voters, younger college graduates, especially those with MAs, to those whom he sees as political enemies, older taxpayers............

My Take - The unending efforts by the left to corrupt the English language would be laughable if it wasn't so effective and dangerous.  "Transferring" someone else's financial responsibilities is now "forgiveness".  

Just like the murder of the innocent unborn is reproductive health, Remarkable!  Daniel has an eye for this kind of corruption as he noted in 2022:  

"Almond milk was going to save the planet. There were predictions that the almond milk market would be worth $13 billion which is pretty good for something that requires enough sweetener to destroy your teeth just to taste moderately palatable. But almond milk isn't milk since, even in a woke biological paradigm where men can be women and bees can be fish, you still can't milk a tree. And almond milk isn't almonds either, because it's only about 2% almonds. What is almond milk really: it’s sugar and thirty other ways of saying sugar without actually using the ‘s’ word."  RK

After Taking Over 3rd Largest Radio Network, Soros Plots to Take 2nd Largest - It’s not a coincidence that this is happening right before an election. In February, we reported that Soros was about to take over the third-largest broadcaster in the country, Audacy, along with its stations............Audacy claims to be able to reach 200 million people across the range of its properties which include sports, music and talk radio stations, as well as a large digital platform, and while Audacy is not an inherently conservative company, it owns a number of talk radio stations and the talk radio format caters to commuters, early risers and working people which is to say conservatives. And the Soros takeover will give one of the biggest funders of leftist extremism control over not only conservative talk radio stations but those that are, like WILK, in swing states. That includes two other stations in Pennsylvania and many others across the country...............

Crime in America

Gun Control Activists Wanted This 85-Year-Old Woman to Die - No one wants children to die in school shootings. We want women like Christine to live.  Every time I click on YouTube, it seems like I get another Sandy Hook Promise gun control ad. I’m sympathetic to parents who have suffered the worst possible loss and want to feel like they can do something to redeem it. Without agreeing with them. Even setting aside all the foundational and philosophical ideals of liberty on which the Second Amendment is based, gun control can put unarmed people at the mercy of the armed, but that’s always been the case in human history. What a gun can do is reverse the usual balance of power.......

O.J. Simpson Lived Out His Worst Punishment - O.J. Simpson lived long enough for no one to give a damn about him.   Austere religious scholar O.J. Simpson, as the Washington Post, might have put it, has gone to whatever hell awaits evil men. Some are disappointed that he went there at a ripe old age. Why evil thrives and good people suffer is an age-old question and not one that we are about to resolve here. But I will say that O.J. Simpson lived out his worst punishment already. O.J. was an egomaniacal narcissist obsessed with keeping the public’s attention. His brutal murders tanked his career but made him even more incredibly famous.......


Navy Focused on DEI, Now It Can’t Figure Out How to Build Ships - - “We don’t have detailed plans of action, milestones, initiatives.”  “America’s Navy values diversity, equality and inclusivity,” the woke Navy leadership claims. “We believe that when a diverse group of individuals come together to do a job, they can do it better because of their differences.”   The Year of Hate helped accelerate the woke destruction of the US Navy.......How’s that working out? The “diverse group of individuals” can’t seem to get anything done beyond DEI sessions.............We may no longer have a US Navy capable of taking on China, but at least everyone is respecting everyone else’s pronouns...........

Economics: Minimum Wage is Another Leftist Disaster

Who Benefits From California’s $20 Fast Food Minimum Wage Hike? -Socialists. California’s runaway one-party state goes from one disastrous legislative session to another where anything enough leftists back becomes law. With the state already bleeding small businesses, the $20 fast food minimum wage hike is another bomb tossed at an industry that barely survived the pandemic lockdowns, which shut down a lot of fast food joints while protecting big businesses. In an economy with soaring food prices and reduced consumer spending on eating out (among working-class and lower-middle-class people), the business model doesn’t work and is just leading some places to shut down. The Fosters Freeze shutdown made the news because it was so public, but it’s hardly alone..............

Consumers Knew Prices Were Rising, the Media Refused to Believe Them - So much for the lies.  In shocking news, prices are rising. Dow drops by 500 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report – CNN.  Surprisingly bad. This comes after the media had spent weeks insisting that Americans were mentally ill or delusional for thinking that the economy was bad. And no, I’m not exaggerating. Headline after headline pretended to psychoanalyze the country.......

Lawfare, Dual Justice, The Constitution, Deep State Corruption

By Locking Up Navarro, Dems Changed the Balance of Power -Now they want to change it back.  When House Democrats decided to lock up Peter Navarro for not going along with their hearings, they fundamentally changed the game. Unlike the J6 prosecutions, House subpoenas leading to prison time is breaking new ground. Everyone used to know how House subpoenas worked. House committees wanted to show off and enlist participants in their, usually partisan, dog and pony show. Generally, administration officials complied. Sometimes they fought them. Post-Navarro, the Biden administration, wanted to treat House subpoenas as business as usual. And pushback came from a very unexpected source.................

No Country for Old Supreme Court Justices 78-year-old senator demands 69-year-old justice retire.   After Justice Scalia’s death, then RBG’s death and then Democrats and leftists launching a pressure campaign to get Justice Breyer to step down, I predicted we would be looking at this as the new normal. And here it is.  Moneyball for Supreme Court justices means picking them young and then getting out as soon as they get old. Or older. ...........Blumenthal told NBC. “I have great admiration for her. But I think she really has to weigh the competing factors. We should learn a lesson. And it’s not like there’s any mystery here about what the lesson should be. The old saying — graveyards are full of indispensable people, ourselves in this body included.”  Vietnam War hero Sen. Richard Blumenthal is 78 years old. Sotomayor is 69. If anyone should be stepping down here, it’s Dick......

DOJ Refuses to Turn Over Biden Tape on Grounds that Congress is Mean - Has Biden learned nothing from Nixon?   DOJ attorneys just spent almost an hour being yelled at by a federal judge for telling other lawyers not to comply with a congressional subpoena even while arresting a Trump advisor for that very same thing. Having learned nothing, the DOJ is fighting a congressional request for the Biden special counsel interview ‘tape’ on the grounds that, well, they don’t like Congress who are a bunch of meanies and anyway can’t we talk about something else? Like women’s basketball? Or the eclipse? Or the speed at which paint dries..............

Leftism is now, and has forever been a disaster.

How the Democratic Party Really Got its Name- -“The most diabolical attempts to destroy the best fabric of human government.”   The Democratic Party claims that it’s the party of democracy even as it tries to suppress any democratic political opposition from its own members and from third parties because it’s not about democracy. That’s easy to understand when you take into account the true origins of the Democratic Party. In my book, ‘Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left’, I delved into the true origins of the Democratic Party. And World Net Daily (WND) ran an exclusive excerpt of that true story......Theodore Roosevelt later described them as “Democratic societies on the models of the Jacobin Clubs of France” and their influence as “noxious” and “distinctly evil"...............

Why Most Americans Don’t Know the True Origins of the Left (VIDEO) The true origins of the Left disappeared when it rewrote American history.  Generations of Americans have grown up knowing very little about actual American history. In my interview with Anni Cyrus at Rise Up to Freedom, I discussed my new book, “Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left” and why so few Americans know about the history revealed in it. The answer is that a national centralized educational system rewrote the teaching of American history following a Marxist template of oppressor/oppressed, class and racial warfare, to the extent that authentic history including key moments that defined America were erased. In the process, not coincidentally, the origins of the Left that I reveal also disappeared from history.........

Biden Admin Released Migrant Member of Terror Group Responsible for Killing Americans into U.S. - If this administration were aiding Islamic terrorists, what would it be doing different? In the various “border deal” negotiations, Republicans stopped even bothering to ask Biden to secure the border. Instead, they tried to hold out for ending the mass release of millions of illegal border invaders into America.  But it was no deal.  Biden refused to add anything more than a smidgen of detention capacity while continuing to release the invaders into the country with court dates in the 2030s.  Here’s what happens when you do that. Beyond the cities staggering under the burden of tens of thousands of invaders all demanding social services and living quarters, actual terrorists are being released into the country........


42% of Latinos Support Building a Wall, 39% Back Deporting All Illegals - Latinos are apparently anti-Latino xenophobic racists. Who knew?    The thing about the Overton Window is that yes, it’s a way to make the formerly unacceptable (open borders in which millions of invaders enter the country with no recourse) seem acceptable, but it leads to backlashes that make the formerly unacceptable seem acceptable in the other direction.  While Latinos were never the militant open borders voters that white liberals liked to believe they were, the Biden administration has managed to get 42% of their great hope for a permanent minority majority to back building a wall.......

 Israel, Hamas, Democrats, and Joe Biden

Israel Takes Out Iranian Mastermind of Oct 7 - Another terror leader bites the dust.   The Biden administration insisted that Iran was not behind the Oct 7 attacks, but it was always unlikely that Hamas could have pulled off a precisely orchestrated operation that exploited technological vulnerabilities in Israel’s security. Then earlier this week, Israel hit a building next to Iran’s diplomatic facility in Damascus where senior generals in Iran’s IRGC terrorist network were reportedly planning an assault. One of those generals appears to have been the mastermind of Oct 7.................

Biden’s Slow Motion Betrayal of Israel - The question wasn’t whether Biden would betrayal Israel, but when.   This will be far from the only post with the word “betrayal” in the title, but it’s really been a slow-motion betrayal. It’s a matter of perspective when you date it from, but by November there was already a definite turn. A little over a month after the original Hamas attack, the Biden administration was pressuring Israel to use less armor, bomb less, and change its government. Then came the warnings to wrap up the war by the end of the year. Once it was clear that Israel would not cooperate, the slow-motion betrayal sped up a little with diplomatic, economic and military pressure........

“Death to America”: Chant Dearborn Hamas Supporters Courted by Biden -This is what Biden betrayed Israel and America for. Joe Biden decided to turn on Israel over pressure from Dearborn, Michigan, also known as Iran’s base in America. Heavily populated by Shiites and some Sunni Islamic terror supporters, the place is notorious for its open and overt support for Hezbollah and Hamas. It’s a fact that the media used to report on before it began covering it up. When the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed by  MEMRI counterterrorism researcher describing Dearborn as “America’s Jihad Capital”, everyone from Biden to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (who has her own terror associates) as “Islamophobic”......

Bernie Sanders Has Office Arsonist Arrested Instead of Negotiating With Him Bernie’s office is worth more than your life.  When Islamic terrorists attack America, Sen. Bernie Sanders warns against fighting them. When Hamas attacks Israel, Bernie condemns the Jewish State for fighting back and demands a ceasefire. When criminals run loose around America’s cities, Bernie insists that we treat the social injustices that cause their crimes and let them go. But when Bernie’s own office gets torched, it’s a whole different ball game............

After Letting Osama Go 9 Times, Ex-Clintonite Complains Israelis “Fire First and Then Ask Questions” -- 100,000 dead because the Clinton administration “wouldn’t fire first”.   The Clinton administration had 9 opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden. Hours before 9/11, Bill Clinton gave a speech in Australia bragging that, “I nearly got him once. I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have had to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him.” Almost 3,000 people died. Over a hundred thousand died in the ensuing conflicts. Now Leon Panetta, Bill Clinton’s former chief-of-staff who served various security roles in the Obama administration, which belatedly got Osama, has popped up to criticize Israel for being too ready to kill terrorists...............

Biden Admin Upset Israeli Gov Hasn’t Briefed It On Invasion Date - I can’t imagine why.  Prime Minister Netanyahu has announced that Israel intends to go into the final Hamas stronghold in Rafah.  Israel has set a date for the military offensive against the remaining Hamas terror battalions in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Monday night...........Matthew Miller, the US State Department spokesman, told reporters on Thursday, “To my knowledge, we have not been briefed on that date.”..............

Biden Demands Israel Stop Attacking Hamas Even If It Doesn’t Release the Hostages - A total betrayal.   The grim farce of negotiating with Islamic terrorists always plays out the same way. The terrorists keep attacking while playing the victim, make escalating demands and once you start negotiating with them, the negotiations never produce peace and don’t even reliably ensure the release of hostages. The Biden administration initially rejected the Islamist/Leftist demands for a ‘ceasefire’ during which Hamas would be free to attack Israel. Then came around to proposing them in exchange for the release of the hostages. And now adopting the Leftist/Islamist position is just demanding a unilateral Israeli ceasefire without the release of the hostages.......

 Muslim Refugee Stabs 70-Year-Old British Man to “Free Palestine - “He swore by Allah that, if he had had a machine gun, and more weapons, he would have killed more victims.” Free Palestine is popular all over. And when you’ve gotta free palestine, then you’ve gotta free palestine or someone else will snap it up.Muslims as the most oppressed 2 billion supremacist majority that denies basic human rights to non-Muslims in their own country are very upset at the temerity of Israelis in refusing to be murdered in their homes. And so it’s time to stab some folks to free Palestine.

Philly Mayor Claims Ramadan Shootings “Sacrilegious” - “We stand united with the Muslim community.”  Politicians tend to claim without evidence that Ramadan, an Islamic religious period during which violence tends to amp up, is a time of peace. America and Israel were warned not to bomb Islamic terrorists over Ramadan. None of these non-Muslim politicians ever give the various Muslim gunmen the memo that Ramadan is a time of peace. And so the violence continues, not only in Yemen, Iran or Israel, but also in Philly......

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Refuses to Condemn “Death to America” Chants Soon Rep. Tlaib will be chanting, “Death to America” on the House floor.  Americans were shocked when a video of an Islamist anti-Israel rally in Dearborn went viral complete with chants of, “Death to America”.  The event took place in Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s district. And when a FOX News reporter tried to ask Rep. Tlaib to condemn it, she instead bleated about “racist tropes”, “my community” and “Islamophobia.".....

My Take - Islam is a criminal, political, terrorist movement masquerading as a religion, and the hypocritical double standards of these leftist misfits like Bernie Sanders and Leon Panetta is blatant treason. As for informing the Biden administrative of their plans:  Well, I don't think it's unreasonable to suspect they they tell Biden on Monday, Hamas may very well know what those plans are by Tuesday.  Or earlier.  Who in their fight mind would trust the Biden administration with that kind of sensitive intel?  RK

Transgenderism:  The lies and the consequences

Puberty Blockers Are Not a ‘Pause Button’, They’re a ‘Sterility Button’ A 12-year-old boy who had taken puberty blockers for 14 months had nearly 60 percent of his sex glands had “fully atrophied.”   Any significant medical intervention has a physical price. That price may be justified by the need, but anyone who claims that there isn’t a price, is lying. From those cheerful drug ads of families happily cavorting and living life after they’ve taken their daily dose of CAVORTIL/XS (not to be taken with food, other medicine or oxygen, may cause panic, unexplained bleeding from ears, nose and toes, may not actually work, all lawsuits subject to mediation and postponed until 2093) to media coverage, the goal is to brand procedures and medications with some dumbed down and simplistic buzzword........Isn’t that so reassuring? Parents are told that the alternative to this ‘pause’ is depression and suicide. Just give your kids some puberty blockers and give them time to “figure it out”.  The reality is very different. Real life has no pause button. Neither does biology.........

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