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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Defining Leftist Moral Boundaries. That's Easy, They Don't Exist!

By Rich Kozlovich

On April 13, 2024 Ian Hanchett posted this article, saying:

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that it’s wrong to argue that pro-life people are sexist, and pro-lifers believe abortion is “murder, and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. I am. There [are] 8 billion people in the world, I’m sorry, we won’t miss you. That’s my position on that.”.....

So, can we assume he's okay with the euthanasia of old people, along with the chronically ill, including the retarded who need constant care?  None of which he'll miss either, because hey, there's 8 billion people in the world. 

Make no mistake, this is the slippery slope that was warned about years ago, and we're already seeing this euthanasia theme being played out in countries around the world.  Or how about this.  We not only should these poor souls die, we should help them die, and then use their organs for medical transplants.   Organ harvesting is almost a one billion dollar a year industry.  '

You know, like China is doing to their Uyghur Muslim population, and others like the Falun Gong, even murdering between 60,000-100,000 young people every year to harvest their organs, many of whom were political dissidents.   Remember, Klaus Schwab head of the World Economic Forum thinks China is the "optimal model" for good government in the world, and they're just as hot for abortion as any on the left. 

Oh, wait, I just remembered, that's what abortionists were already doing with these infants body parts here in America.  But hey, after all, there's 8 billion people in the world.  

That bodes well this question.  When do we reach a point where something is so degenerate it disgusts us?  If the world is controlled by leftists, there will be no moral boundaries for the left, and nothing will be so degenerate to cause disgust.  And no one will be permitted to be disgusted, or else!

As November approaches we're seeing every trick in the book to steal this election by the Democrats, just as they did in 2020 and 2022, in order to prevent a Trump victory, and a massive movement to drain the Deep State swamp. But this isn't anything new for them.  Daniel Greenfield has a great piece about this going back to Chicago 1864.  Nothing's changed.    

If you're paying attention you will notice the media and the left are ranting about abortion, attempting to make this election all about that, and that alone, all the while ignoring the domestic and geopolitical economic and social disasters the Biden administration has imposed on the nation, and the world. 

I view abortion as the murder of the innocent unborn, and in spite of polls and opinion pieces, I'm inclined to think that's true for most people.  Why?   Because it's genetic!  Protection of children is part and parcel of our core genetic code, and I think most people function emotionally within that framework, as a result, if that's all they have, then I'm convinced they lose.  That leaves voter fraud

If  American society cannot recognize that "Truth, Justice and the American Way", is now and has been, for all our warts and scars, the finest example of what mankind is morally capable of accomplishing, then all is lost.    We're at that proverbial fork in the road.  Morality or pragmatism. Right or wrong.  Good or evil.  If we choose pragmatism untold numbers of the innocent will be murdered.  Who pays for that innocent blood that will be shed? 

One of my personal heroes is Col. John Boyd, who gave this speech to a graduating class of a military academy saying:

One day you will come to a fork in the road. And you're going to have to make a decision about what direction you want to go.......... If you go that way you can be somebody. You will have to make compromises and you will have to turn your back on your friends. But you will be a member of the club and you will get promoted and you will get good assignments." 

Then Boyd raised the other hand and pointed another direction.

Or you can go that way and you can do something — something for your country........ If you decide to do something, you may not get promoted and you may not get the good assignments and you certainly will not be a favorite of your superiors. But you won't have to compromise yourself. You will be true to your friends and to yourself. And your work might make a difference.

He paused and stared. 

"To be somebody or to do something. In life there is often a roll call. That's when you will have to make a decision. To be or to do? Which way will you go?"

Let's stop this pragmatic claptrap and have the courage to stand tall and call abortion for what it is, and doing it in the manner as I've done in my article, Abortion: We Really Do Need Clarity!   History is everything, couple that with facts and logic, and then just have the courage to stand and do the right thing.  I think the nation will respond. 

Let's face it, leftists do not care about human beings, they hate humanity, and their love of murdering the innocent unborn demonstrates that, making abortion the ultimate moral issue that will define this age. Accept it!

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