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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, April 11, 2024

After Bankruptcy Then What?

By Rich Kozlovich
On Friday April 5, 2013 Wynton Hall posted an article titled, BOOMTOWN 2: Taxpayers Have Spent $15 Trillion on 'War on Poverty'.  He starts out saying:
“.....since President Lyndon Baines Johnson declared “war on poverty,” U.S. taxpayers have spent $15 trillion on so-called anti-poverty programs—a figure slightly less than the national debt.”  
Remember, this article was posted in 2013, and all the figures are based on that year, and in ten years we've gone from 15 trillion in debt to just under 35 trillion dollars in debt, and it's climbing at a rate that's startling, and the leadership in both parties is supporting that insanity.
He notes that in 1969, just 2.8 million Americans received food stamps. Today he notes that over 47 million Americans are on food stamps, and some of the biggest supporters of these programs are big business, which he describes as “crony capitalism”.    And now the “U.S. Census Bureau revealed that nearly 50 million Americans live below the federal poverty line. “
When Johnson was president in 1966 the nation had a population of 196,560,338.  By 1969 there were 2, 700,000 recipients on food stamps, presumably mostly families. Which translates to approximately 1.4% of the population.   Let's suppose we had given every family on food stamps a million dollars and said....that's it....we're're on your own now forever.  What would have happened? 
Presumably we would have ended poverty and we would have saved twelve trillion three hundred billion dollars.  
So then the obvious question is this: Where did all of that money go?  
It certainly didn't go to the poor because we haven't any fewer poor than we did then.   So who has the money?  Fifteen trillion dollars is a lot of darn money!  Surely someone has to have it! Don’t they? You just can't hide fifteen trillion dollars without someone noticing! Can you? Surely someone has to have kept records somewhere!  Didn't they?
Whatever happened to all that money there is one thing that is crystal clear. Government money used to end poverty doesn’t work, and with all these programs, many of which are duplications of programs already in existence, all of which we know are abject failures because in 2013 figures, we have 47 million on food stamps representing 1.5% of the population creating a long line of unending government dependents, and it's growing.    
But there's no money, so, what do we do?  We keep borrowing, and printing, calling it "quantitative easing" and no matter the amount of clabber they're spewing out to redefine this practice, it still means printing money with no value.  And we're told we have to keep doing it to keep these failed programs running in order to prevent people from suffering. 
But I keep asking myself:  What happens when we go bankrupt?
Those who promote this stuff keep saying that we can’t go bankrupt and the banks must keep loaning money and the Fed must keep printing whatever money is necessary.  I wonder if they ever read a history book in their lives.  Do they not grasp that it doesn’t work that way!  Do they not grasp the consequences?
Unfortunately many of them do, and all of this is deliberate.  It’s called the Cloward–Piven strategy.  A socialist power grabbing strategy outlined in 1966 by leftist activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.  The goal was to overload the public welfare systems which would then institute a complete breakdown of the financial systems.  This, they reasoned, would install a system of central planning for income distribution at the national level, ending state and local control over welfare and assuring a national income minimum.  All sounding good, except for one thing.  These things have never worked in all of history.   
Countries that tried this collapsed into anarchy because the money wasn't worth anything.  Inflation destroyed the value of the currency and the entire social structure suffered collapse. In many cases these countries were then taken over by radical central planners (socialists, which include fascists and communists) whose only real skill was murdering 100 million of their own innocent citizens during the twentieth century.  And make no mistake about it; these insane leftists still think the same way. As David Horowitz points out, "Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out". 
Obama’s buddy Bill Ayers, who’s official title within the leftist Weatherman Underground movement was “National Education Secretary”,  participated in the bombings of the New York City Police Dept., the United States Capitol, and the Pentagon.   He also may have taken part in other bombings that killed innocent people.  His views of the bombing of the Pentagon:   
“Although the bomb that rocked the Pentagon was itsy-bitsy - weighing close to two pounds - it caused 'tens of thousands of dollars' of damage. The operation cost under $500, and no one was killed or even hurt.”
The reality of Bill Ayers is far scarier than is currently depicted.  As National Education Secretary of this radical leftist organization his plans after their victory including the creation of “re-education camps” in the American Southwest, and if that wasn’t adequate in re-ordering society then he felt it might be necessary to eliminate as many as 25 million Americans who won’t go along.
We know this is factual due to information provided by Larry Grathwohl, a Weatherman informant, who saw Ayers order the bombing of the Detroit Police Officers Association building, in spite of the fact that customers -  largely black- in the adjacent Red Barn were sure to be killed.  Ayers view was that it might be necessary for some innocent people to get killed in his quest.  After all, he noted that you can't protect everyone. 
This has been the pattern of all socialists.  What makes me wonder about their sanity is that history shows once one of these leftist regimes take over it isn’t long before one person is in complete charge.  And they accomplish that eliminating their competition within the movement.  Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro and all the rest have repeated this pattern.  Are these American promoters of socialism somehow under the impression it would be different with them? 
Unfortunately after the leadership is firmly in the hands of one person the real disaster starts.  They don’t have a clue as to how to run an economy.  As a result agriculture suffers, manufacturing suffers, retail as we know it is eliminated and commodities become scarce, people starve and people die from a lack of proper medical care. 
This brings me back to the thus far unanswered question:  What happens when we go bankrupt?   Answer:  The insane will begin to rule by consent of the ignorant and then millions will die and those who are left will live in dystopia!  That's history, and that history is incontestable.
Has anyone read a history book lately?  If not, I would like to recommend:

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