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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: March 4, 2019

By -- March 4, 2019

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Trump’s new climate committee could welcome the world’s smartest global-warming skeptics
Mueller’s ‘Foreign Agent’ Prosecutions May Lead To Probes Of Green Groups
Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet
Grassley, Wyden introduce tax extenders bill (including PTC?)
Nebraska County Passes 1 Mile Turbine Setbacks
New Book: Biological Consequences of Low-Frequency Sound
Study: Lack of Sleep Harms DNA
Wind Turbine Noise: Real Impacts on Neighbors
Study: Wind turbines have cascading impacts on ecosystems across trophic levels
New EPA Study: Power Plant Emission Trends
Study: Assigning Property Rights Through Wind and Solar Easements
Study: Transition to Reality
A Simple Solution to Solve US Legislative Gridlock
Bill Gates tells the ugly truth about renewables
Wind energy suffers tough year in Europe with 12 nations failing to install a single turbine
The Five Top Arguments Against Climate Alarmism
The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time: Part XX & Part XXI
Climate Science, Red in Tooth and Claw: Yapping Hyenas Attack a Lion
New Santer Study: 97% Consensus is now 99.99997%
Hammering Nails Into Man-Made Global Warming’s Coffin
Good collection of PragerU videos on Climate Change
Short Video: Science Is Falsifiable
A network of Green groups are mobilizing our children for the climate wars
Extinction rebellion? There is little sign of a climate emergency
IPCC Scientist Blows Whistle on Lies About Climate, Sea Level
Europe’s Populist Right Threatens to Erode Climate Consensus
Lake Erie just won the same legal rights as people!

Greed Energy Economics:
Study: Renewables get outsized federal subsidies
EIA: Solar Growth Could make it More Expensive, not Less
Next money ‘crop’ for farmers? Solar panels
Big Oil Is Investing Billions in Renewable Energy
It’s Time to Sunset Some Renewable Subsidies, Not Expand Them, But…
Wind Industry And South Dakota State Regulators Trade Blows
Innergex pivots to US solar as wind subsidy nears its end
El Nino’s Taking the Wind out of Sales of U.S. Power Generators

Turbine Health Matters:
Nebraska County Passes 1 Mile Turbine Setbacks
New Book: Biological Consequences of Low-Frequency Sound
Study: Lack of Sleep Harms DNA
Wind Turbine Noise: Real Impacts on Neighbors
Noise Matters: Why Wind Turbine Noise Drives Neighbors Nuts
Rural landowners air opposition to industrial wind projects
Crop Duster Pilots Concerned with Wind Farm Safety Issues
Some NY wind projects out of compliance with new WHO guidelines
Falmouth Wind Turbine Victims Owed One Million Dollars
Wind Factories Threaten our Health and Well-being
How scientist’s disputed views about pollution are shaping EPA
Kansas Bill Proposes 1.5 Mile Turbine Setbacks (see here)
NC Judge Approves GenX Consent Order

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems:
Study: Wind turbines have cascading impacts on ecosystems across trophic levels
The Dark Side of Green Technology
Study: The dangers of a solar byproduct (SiCL4)
EPA Announces First Ever Nationwide PFAS Plan
Wind farm on the Belvoir Ranch

Miscellaneous Energy News:
Mueller’s ‘Foreign Agent’ Prosecutions May Lead To Probes Of Green Groups
Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet
New EPA Study: Power Plant Emission Trends
Study: Assigning Property Rights Through Wind and Solar Easements
Study: Transition to Reality
A Simple Solution to Solve US Legislative Gridlock
Bill Gates tells the ugly truth about renewables
Wind energy suffers tough year in Europe with 12 nations failing to install a single turbine
Expert: Turbines could cause insidious problem with Radar
Geothermal Could Represent a Far Bigger Share of Renewables
Wood Instead of Coal: More Foolishness from Radical Environmentalists
Falmouth Wind Turbines Created Pioneer Criminals
A brief timeline of the Alle-Catt (NY) Wind Project
Wyoming utility’s first wind farm to be replaced
Virginia’s ‘Green New Deal’ exposes what Democrats really care about — and it’s not the environment
New Book (of poems): Between Wind and Water
NATO’s Pending Ending Security Crisis
A revolutionary new wind turbine company (USA)
Some Wind Turbine Misconceptions
How much electrical storage does just one country (Germany) need
Review of very large VA Solar facility
Op-Ed: Rural Virginia no Place for Massive Solar Facility
Citizens Pitted Against Energy Developer
Millennials Grab the Wheel and Step on the Gas
California’s Scary Trends for Funds and Energy
How ethanol threatens energy security
Giant solar project has Virginia in uproar
New York and Massachusetts Blow It with Wacky Offshore Wind Projects
Naive wind industry could destroy our way of life
Vacant-land mythology impedes serious energy discussions

Miscellaneous Energy News— Green Manifesto:
The Farcical ‘Green New Deal’
The Green New Plan is irresponsible
Green New Deal Could Cost $93 Trillion
AOC’s green deal isn’t new — it’s already been a flop in Germany
Short video: GND and Climate Change
Short Video: Green New Polling
Green New Deal rollout rattles both sides of climate change debate
Video: Some Fine Congressional Testimony Against the GND
The Rickety Bread Machine
Green New Deal’s Plan For Planes, Trains, And Automobiles Won’t Work
Okay, AOC, Here’s An Alternative To Green New Deal
Phony ‘Justice’ through Phony Climate Policy
Greenpeace founder: AOC is a “Pompous Little Twit… You Would Bring About Mass Death”

Manmade Global Warming Articles:
The Five Top Arguments Against Climate Alarmism
The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time: Part XX & Part XXI
Climate Science, Red in Tooth and Claw: Yapping Hyenas Attack a Lion
New Santer Study: 97% Consensus is now 99.99997%
Hammering Nails Into Man-Made Global Warming’s Coffin
Good collection of PragerU videos on Climate Change
Short Video: Science Is Falsifiable
A network of Green groups are mobilizing our children for the climate wars
Extinction rebellion? There is little sign of a climate emergency
IPCC Scientist Blows Whistle on Lies About Climate, Sea Level
Europe’s Populist Right Threatens to Erode Climate Consensus
Lake Erie just won the same legal rights as people!
Dr. Will Happer and the Presidential Committee on Climate Security
Trump’s new climate committee could welcome the world’s smartest global-warming skeptics
Dems raise alarm over proposed White House climate council
Global Temperature Change By US Presidency & Party
Lying with science: a guide to myth debunking
Will 2019 See the Demise of the Paris Agreement?
Report: Sydney Sea Level Rise from 1886 to 2018
Alaska’s Governor quietly nixes state’s climate change strategy
The Real Climate-Change Deniers: Exposing a Mainstream Myth
Another Major Eco-Scare Goes Up in Smoke
Archived Study: Carbon-Hungry Plants Impede Growth Rate of Atmospheric CO2
61% Of NOAA USHCN Adjusted Temperature Data Is Now Fake
Global cooling – and global totalitarian socialism – are the catastrophes we should fear most
Blame Academia For Junk Science And Media Hype
Americans Using Too Much Toilet Paper, Heating Planet
The Uninhabited Mind of David Wallace-Wells
Climate Scare Was Never Over Honest Science Reporting
Global Warming ‘Inconvenient Facts’ That Al Gore Does Not Want Us to Know
Paper: A Pro-Jobs Approach to Lowering US Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Report: State of Polar Bears
Insectageddon: don’t believe the hype
Andrew Dessler: The Certain Climate Alarmist
Marc Morano Pushes Back on Global Warming Hysteria
Critique of the new (2019) Santer et al AGW paper
There is no significant scientifically established correlation between human activity and the warming of the earth’s climate

See Prior AWED Newsletters

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Science is Falsifiable
Science is Falsifiable
Preview YouTube video Green New Deal: Climate Change
Green New Deal: Climate Change
Preview YouTube video Green New Polling
Green New Polling
Preview YouTube video Western Caucus Green New Deal Live Stream
Western Caucus Green New Deal Live Stream

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