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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Planned Parenthood: Willing to “Break the Baby’s Neck” if Born Alive, Congress Fails to Act

By Onan Coca February 1, 2018

Former St. Paul Planned Parenthood client testifies that the abortionists there told her they would “break the baby’s neck” if born alive.

This would be a violation of federal and Minnesota law. We missed this story when it first broke, but the latest news from the Senate makes this story very relevant… again. Back in June a video surfaced of woman who was 22-weeks pregnant and had recently visited her local Planned Parenthood in St, Paul, Minnesota. The woman sat down with investigators and told them a terrifying story.

When she asked the Doctor what would happen if her baby were born alive, the Doctor told her that he “would break the baby’s neck” if it was born alive. The woman arrived prepared to have an abortion but the experience was unsettling that after a day or so of thought, she began to changed her mind and told the clinic workers that she simply wanted an ultrasound instead.  

From Live Action:
Thankfully, the ultrasound showed that her preborn baby was still alive, and that her little boy was strong and active. She told the two abortionists:......To Read More.....
My TakeIt breaks my heart when I read these kind of articles.  We're talking murder here.  This is even murder under state and federal law that make abortion legal.  We need to stop parsing words - abortion is murder!  The fact government allows it doesn't change the reality of these murders. 

The one thing everyone seems to forget , or don't seem to care - this is innocent blood and "it cries out from the ground" to a final judge who will render justice for those who've performed these murders, and to hose who've authorized these murders. 

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