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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Climate model GIGO

by , 1 Comment @ CFACT


Global warming campaigners live in a computer “matrix” of their own design.

The media continually runs alarming reports about the climate.  The little known fact is that what is being reported is based on computer simulations derived from the most extreme projections of other computer simulations; none of this grounded in observational reality.

CFACT contributor David Wojick worked with climatologist Patrick Michaels to survey the use of computer models in science.  They uncovered a stunning fact.  “Less than 4% of the science, the climate change part, is doing about 55% of the modeling done in the whole of science.
The computer models are so far divorced from reality that researchers are under tremendous pressure to adjust the real world temperature data from buoys, thermometers and satellites to conform with the models.

Adjusting scientific data to conform with a popular theory stands the scientific method on its head.
CFACT’s friend James Delingpole reports that NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, has “adjusted” temperature data to hide the record-shattering cold spell we all just lived through this winter.

He reports that climate analyst Paul Homewood discoverd that “NOAA has been cooking the books. Yet again – presumably for reasons more to do with ideology than meteorology – NOAA has adjusted past temperatures to look colder than they were and recent temperatures to look warmer than they were.

We’re not talking fractions of a degree, here. The adjustments amount to a whopping 3.1 degrees F. This takes us well beyond the regions of error margins or innocent mistakes and deep into the realm of fiction and political propaganda.”

Did the researchers in charge of the official U.S. temperature record deliberately obscure weather we all experienced to serve a political agenda?

Over-reliance on computer simulations is a major problem in climate science.  If those models are based on data that has been adjusted for political reason the problem worsens.

The temperature records compiled by the U.S. government should be subjected to a rigorous audit to gauge their validity.

The adjustments made to the records should be rigorously examined as well.

We should not be asked to expend tremendous sums and sacrifice individual liberties in the name of “climate change” if we cannot trust the temperature records and analyses underpinning everything climate.

About the Author: Craig Rucker is the executive director and co-founder of CFACT.

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