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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, November 20, 2017

UN Climate Pow-Wow Much Ado about Little

 The twenty-third Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-23) concluded in Bonn, Germany on November 17th after hundreds of meetings, events, and briefings over two weeks. I didn’t attend this year, but the news reports I’ve read and the e-mails sent to me broadly agree that it was a lot of time spent on achieving nothing much. Here are a few highlights.
Marc Morano of the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow and Climate Depot welcomed climate hustlers to the Greenpeace boat docked on the Rhine in Bonn.  He pointed out that the boat may have sails, but is actually powered by diesel engines. Watch the video here, and read about it here. ..........To Read More.....

My Take - For those who aren't aware, Myron Ebell was among the group that headed up the EPA transition team to find the new EPA director, Pruitt.  I've not met him, but I've friends who know him and have worked with him, and I've been told his views are identical to my own.  I've also been told by a friend who worked with him no matter how conservative they became - Myron could always be more conservative.   I've not met him but I like him.

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