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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Tale of Two Cities – No, Wait, It’s a Tale of Two Galaxies

By Sally Anne Jackson

You asked me about my support of Trump. Everyone I know in New York City is appalled by President Trump. In the small town where I spend half my time, it’s the reverse. For them, the views of the blue voters are more about virtue signaling than dealing with real issues. For example, the impact of lost jobs may be invisible to people in places like Manhattan, but here on the ground, it translates into food insecurity. 

I volunteer at the local Food Bank and learned that one-in-eight children is “food insecure,” which means that several times a month, the only meal he or she will get is through the school lunch program or a soup kitchen.  Bad trade deals translate into hunger. Lost jobs also translate into despair, and despair fuels the opioid epidemic. I was talking with a counselor at the local substance abuse center and heard the opinion that while some people will recover from heroin addiction, for others, once they start, it’s a life sentence........Read More

My Take - So much for legalizing recreational drugs. 

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