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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Losing Internet Freedom

Obama kisses America’s internet oversight good-bye.

October 7, 2016  Deborah Weiss  29 

At the stroke of midnight on September 30, 2016, America said good-bye to its long-time oversight of the internet, and along with it, the certainty of internet freedom.

Because the internet was started in the United States, from its inception, the system of managing domain names and numbers has always been conducted in or by the United States.  In 1998, the Department of Commerce (DoC) contracted ICANN, a California-based non-profit, to perform the function of IANA[1] management.  It’s a critical role to ensure that internet domain names are not duplicated and that the assigned numbers are secure.  DoC maintained oversight of ICANN and also performed some related administrative tasks...........Currently there are 171 government members of the GAC and 53 non-governmental members that have observer status, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC),[2] as well as all the United Nations’ agencies that have an interest in global internet governance. (This includes UNESCO, which is largely influenced by the OIC.)  Several of these members constitute tyrannical regimes or other types of anti-freedom entities.....To Read More....

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