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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, October 9, 2016

David Horowitz on Trump, the Left's Transformation, Campus Anti-Semitism, and More

"The left's civil rights heroes today are criminals."

October 7, 2016  46

At the Beverly Hills Hotel last Wednesday, October 5, the David Horowitz Freedom Center hosted a talk by political strategist Dick Morris, whose new book Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary lays out a strategy for taking the upcoming election. The event began with a few wide-ranging remarks from Horowitz, who spoke on the Freedom Center's Stop the Jew Hatred on Campus campaign, the latest book in the nine-volume The Black Book of the American Left, the left's transformation into a radical party, Trump's willingness to actually fight the Democrats, the Freedom Center's Restoration Weekend event in November, and the Bonnie and Clyde of the Democratic Party -- Hillary and Bill Clinton......To See Video....

My Take - First off.....the left is now and has always been "radical"!  The only transformation was eliminating those who weren't radical enough and openly display just how radical is this movement. 

European Socialism didn't  play well in America in the 1800's because it's clearly atheistic, starting with the French Revolution.  So they morphed into the "Progressive" movement and believe it or not - religion was the binding force, as in the National Council of Churches, with the rationale socialism was the practical application of Christian ethic. 

After WWII the true socialists didn't need the religionists any longer and kicked them to the curb, and adopted the term "Liberal" to hide their radical socialist underpinnings.  When that term became unpopular they became Progressives once again.  But let's not have any doubts - they're all socialists - dark angels constantly changing themselves into angels of light to confuse and dominate humanity.

Socialism has not only failed worldwide, it's failed on a scale so large and so devastating we should automatically be dismissing anyone for promoting it.  But socialists are insidious and mendacious, and society is sleep walking.  They know it, they depend on it.  Bernie Sanders is an obvious example, but at least he's open about his insanity.  The left has infested every institution and every aspect of American life, and that influence is slowly strangling the nation to death.

We have lost our minds.     Oh, one more thing.  Both communists and fascists are two sides of the same socialist coin. 

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