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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Greenpeace Gets Some Comeuppance, and More Media Coverage of The Council You May Have Missed

Posted on by admin

Greenpeace Executives As Characters From “The Godfather”– “The Godfather” is the seminal American movie about an Italian mafia family. It is said that MAFIA is an acronym for Morte Alle Francia Italia Anela, basically ‘the death of France is the song of Italy’ – but Greenpeace loves France, it’s science and the bulk of humanity that don’t cave into their demands they want to kill off.

A good mob boss knows you never get your hands dirty directly, you create a neighborhood appearance of being beneficial and whack anyone who deviates from your orders. So the problem with Greenpeace is not the army of earnest young people on the streets of major cities, it is the corruption at the very top – they are the ones giving orders to hack the websites of anyone who does not cave into extortion and manipulating poor people in developing nations with fear and doubt about food.

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