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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

College Kids Mostly Blow Off Food-Label Use, Study Finds

Posted on by Ruth Kava

In the hopes that students will make use of them, many college dining halls post nutrition information near their food selections. The question arises — do the students even notice the labels, and if so, do they use them?   What would be the best placement to get diners’ attention? A recent study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics investigated these questions.

Food economist Dr. Brenna Ellison and colleagues from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, investigated the effect of placement of food nutrition labels on college student choices in four different dining halls at the University. They had students complete one-page surveys while they were eating on three different occasions — four, eight and 12 weeks after the beginning of a semester. In all, over 2,700 students completed the surveys; different students participated on the different occasions. In part, the surveys assessed:.....Read more....

My Take - Interesting article....I think the study is probably more like intellectual welfare and a waste of money. I've been reading Ruth Kava's work for years now and I'm generally impressed, but I think there's an important point to take home from this that's not in the article. People don't care - not because they're not into exercise nor have taken nutritional courses, so we have to conclude the problem is they're ignorant which made me chuckle.  Unless your're involved in the food industry - I consider nutritional courses another form of intellectual welfare.  Trust me - people don't care because they just don't care. And for the most part they've discovered - they don't need to care.

We've finally gotten past the scare mongering of Silent Spring in 1962 because we've been unindated with scare after scare after scare - and we're still alive, and in point of fact we're living longer, healtheir lives than ever in American history.

I'm going to make a bold and completely unprovable statement -The Anthropogenic Global Warming, Anthropogenic Climate Change  crowd can claim credit for this lack of concern.  They've exhausted their bank account of credibilty.  People are suffering from Green Fatigue -and all these warnings and demands are from the same category of people - whether they're misanthropic environmentalists, anti-vaccination nuts, organic food lunatics, or one of the other leftist anti-misfits - they all subscribe to the same religious dogma - they're all Hystarians - and people get it!

One more thing.  In a general way all this has to be known already.  Just ask anyone who produces a product, they'll know!  If it's being sold it doens't matter what's on the labels.  As always - it's not studies that give us reality - it's the marketplace!

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