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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Gallup: Only 52% 'extremely proud' to be an American

By Rick Moran

The annual Gallup survey that measures the level of patriotism is out, and it shows the lowest percentage of Americans who are "extremely proud" to be American in the 16 years the poll has been conducted.Only 52% of us say we're "extremely proud."  But when you add in "moderately proud," it adds up to a sizable majority. Washington Times:.......In this, the leftist educational establishment has seen its plan come to fruition.  With the takeover of education at all levels by the left, students have it drummed into their heads how evil the U.S. is, how oppressive we are, and that we are not a force for good in the world.  The effect is as plain as day in the Gallup numbers........Read more

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