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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WHOA! What Happens When You Call ‘Pro-Choice’ Lefty a ‘Pro-Abortion’ Lefty …

Tuesday, February 4, 2014 by Benny Huang
“I’m not happy … Joy Behar replied.”   Christina Breitbeil, a student journalist at the University of Texas-Austin, created quite a stir when she wrote honestly about a pro-abortion rally on the steps of the state capitol. She actually referred to the pro-abortion rally as…a pro-abortion rally. Five times.  All over Austin and beyond, heads went ka-boom. Complaints poured into the newspaper which then issued a “correction” and altered the website. “Pro-choice” is the proper label, detractors argued, because no one is pro-abortion.
I always find myself scratching my head at this particular argument. The “pro-choice” crowd is always very vague as to why they aren’t pro-abortion. They say it’s a tough decision that they labor over (no pun intended), but should remain their decision all the same……… Could it be that abortion is an act of lethal violence against a child, usually carried out for the convenience of the adults? No, they can’t admit that. So what is it then? That secret is locked up tighter than the recipe for Coca-Cola. They’ll never tell…… Just don’t call them pro-abortion.
The pro-choice label gives the pro-abortion side of the debate an air of neutrality.  In order to be truly pro-abortion, I suppose, one would have to favor abortions in one hundred percent of pregnancies. Anything short of that is not a true pro-abortion position but merely a “pro-choice” one….To Read More…..
My Take - I would like to expand on the author's comments about name identification of the two groups involved; pro-choice and pro-life! The pro-abortion groups call themselves pro-choice so they can take on an air of superiority without truly identifying the fact they support murder of innocent unborn children. By calling the anti-abortion groups pro-life they can call the pro-life people hypocrites because, as a whole, they support the death penalty.  
Here is the reality.  The pro-choice people are in reality pro-abortion people who support the murder of innocent unborn life and the pro-life people support the execution of vile criminals who are getting what they deserve.   The death of these unborn babies is murder.  The death of these criminals is justice. more thing.  Is a doctor who performs abortions an abortionist if abortion isn't 100% of his practice? 

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