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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Collapse of Communism: The Untold Story

........Right, why talk about something that happened some 23 years ago? The word communism is[n't] even in our vocabulary anymore and the new generation has no idea what it even means.  And yet, communism eliminated over 100 million people during seventy years of its existence. That’s enough bodies to cover the equator of our planet when placing bodies side by side. When communism ‘collapsed’ in 1989, the media never raised the question of where those responsible for all the atrocities were. We didn’t hear anyone in the media asking where all the communists disappeared to.  

Should we really believe that millions of communists just became overnight capitalists and good citizens? Surprise! They turned out to become leaders of the new system. It doesn’t matter what political party in the former Soviet satellite countries you are looking at, left or right, they all were created and are run by former communists.   

So communism didn’t really disappear, it didn’t go away. It just adapted, morphed into the new system in order to survive and to continue on its mission.  As a result, the West now has to live with the consequences of its own naiveté.  And we don’t have to go to too far to see what I am talking about. Just look what is going on in America.  To Read More……

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