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Friday, August 2, 2024

Spin and Surrogates: Sugar-coating the Kamala Harris Campaign

Short on substance, long on word salads.

By | Aug 1, 2024 @ Liberty Nation News, Tags Articles, Opinion, Politics

If one were to consume a diet of nothing but headlines from the left-leaning Fourth Estate, it would appear beyond doubt that the very forces of nature are in lockstep with the Kamala Harris campaign.

And yet, while the virtual roll call to confirm her as the official nominee begins today, August 1, the reality is a more divided and even desperate picture.

Polls Narrowing – Allegedly

“Harris Narrows the Gap” was the dominant headline on July 31. And, naturally, that appears to be as far as many people read. While one swallow does not a summer make, the same holds true for the significance of a single survey in relation to a wider polling trend.

The only surveys of value would be the ones conducted after President Joe Biden suspended his campaign for 2024 and anointed his vice president. With that in mind, there are eleven significant efforts to gauge public perception that have merit. Of these eleven, former President Donald Trump has bested Harris in seven of them – and has notably won in all that included Likely Voters rather than Registered Voters (LV being the polling gold standard).

What is also worthy of mention is that this is “national” polling. In both 2016 and 2020, Mr. Trump never once held a national lead in nationwide surveys – it is, indeed, a battleground race. So what about swing state polling? Does Harris perform any better? That’s where things get spurious.

Although significant battleground polling is sparse at present, figuring the averages became a whole lot harder when a single poll by Bloomberg skewed all available data. Like a bull in a China shop, this survey declared boldly – and was unsurprisingly taken as gospel by the Democrat-friendly media – that Ms. Harris was beating Trump in four of the seven major swing states and achieving a tie in another. This would certainly seem like unfortunate news for Mr. Trump if it weren’t for the fact that it has a 4% margin of error and stretches credulity by giving Harris an 11-point lead in Michigan.

Perhaps a pound of salt would be better than a pinch

Struggle Sessions Galore

In the 1920s and ‘30s, Communist China adopted the Soviet self-criticism parades that would become so emblematic of the regime. Struggle sessions served the purpose of both humiliating the participants and bolstering the credentials of those bringing them to account – and, by extension, the Communist Party. Participants were forced to stand on stage in front of their communities and denounce themselves, not only for their “politically incorrect” thoughts but for who they were as a people. Now, one hundred years down the line, these performative events appear to be de rigueur.

“White Dudes for Harris” is just one of a series of identity-based digital rallies held on the Zoom platform to generate funds and the somewhat cringe-sounding “Kamalamentum.” Certainly, events aimed at specific demographics are standard fare for political campaigns, but they have self-flagellation as the defining motif and rarely come with an obligatory acknowledgment of “unearned” privilege.

The “White Women for Harris” event was no less focused on the intersectional divide. The 200,000 attendees, headed by a star-studded cast of celebrities and influencers, somehow raised more eyebrows than the gentlemen’s forum. The audience was “gently parented” through the event by TikTok influencer Arielle Fodor, who informed attendees that “BIPOC women have tapped us in as white women to step up, listen and get involved this election season.” The key takeaway from her oration appears to be that non-white people are beyond any reproach and apparently have little in the way of personal responsibility. She concluded, “If you find yourself talking over or speaking for BIPOC individuals or, God forbid, correcting them, just take a beat. And instead, we can put our listening ears on.”

As Kirsten Fleming of the New York Post noted: “Oh, the soft bigotry.”

While an army of several hundred thousand committed keyboard warriors will be a significant advantage to the Harris campaign, the barely contained loathing for their own immutable characteristics that suffused the gatherings may be more of a turn-off to potential voters than a cri de cœur.

But where does Ms. Harris fit into her own campaign?

Kamala Following Biden’s Lead?

The Biden presidency has been marred by a distinct lack of media cut and thrust. From only attending interviews with friendly interviewers holding pre-approved softball questions to failing to engage with the White House press pool, Mr. Biden isolated himself from public scrutiny. Given his clear cognitive issues, this was probably a wise move – and as it turned out, when forced into a debate situation where he could neither laugh off questions nor walk out of the room, it heralded the end of his campaign.

VP Harris, on the other hand, has a much firmer track record of dealing with impromptu questions. She has demonstrated that she is unafraid of public speaking and often engages with the Fourth Estate. As a prosecutor and a senator, she is used to quick-fire exchanges. And yet, since being tapped as the Democratic Party nominee almost two weeks ago, she has notably avoided dealing directly with the press. While she currently enjoys a protracted honeymoon period, free from scrutiny and demands to defend her record, it won’t last forever.

As Liberty Nation News’ Senior Political Analyst Tim Donner notes on the upcoming Liberty Road show:

“She’s getting four significant bumps here that will stand her in good stead come late August. First is that she was beneficiary of Joe Biden dropping out of the race. She was able to raise $200 million almost instantly . . . She will get another hit when she picks a vice president. And then she’ll get a final hit at the Democratic convention. All the while, being undergirded by elite left-wing media.

“So she is going to be on an upward tick for a while, until we get to Labor Day and Donald Trump starts to dismantle her piece by piece.”

A Rose Garden strategy works only if one is the actual president. Being a VP doesn’t quite cut it. At some point, Kamala Harris will have to leave the cozy environs of Zoom call stump speeches and Bingo Hall campaign stops full of voters already planning to cast a ballot for whichever Democrat tops the ticket and get out into the American heartlands. The Fourth Estate will continue to bolster her bona fides and obfuscate the facts of her record in office, but cheerleading can only carry a candidate so far.

Ms. Harris, it’s time for your close-up.

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