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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Nitwit Brigade, Part II

By Rich Kozlovich 

Okay, I'm going to start with this statement.  Everything about this story is absolutely bizarre.  First, in the last few days this statement by Biden has been beaten to death:

"I take classified documents seriously".  

Well Gina Carano, who Disney and the Church of Wokeness has done everything they can to destroy her career, explains on Twitter this must be the result of a huge misunderstanding.  In order to get to the truth of this scandal we need to recognize this is merely a "punctuation" problem.  What he really said was:

"I take classified documents, seriously!"

I think that pretty much sums up what happened.  He was serious about stealing classified documents, and it really was theft, and he really is guilty of a crime.  A crime the left claimed deserves execution least for Trump..... who is guilty of nothing.  However, in Biden's case, here's a very real need to have a serious and legitimate investigation, as treason may be involved.  Unless of course you belong to the Nitwit Brigade of the Club For the Galacticaly Stupid. 

In Nitwit Brigade, Part I I noted the "thoughts" and comments of that paragon of logic, truth, fact, justice and the America way, Joy Behar (just a little snarc there) saying:

You know what I think? I’ve never seen a luckier person than Donald Trump Just as we're this close to getting him, somehow these documents appear!” she bitterly declared. 

"Just as we're this close to getting him".  Is that what she said?  Who exactly is this "we" group?  Does that sound like a corrupt conspiracy, and a potential RICO conspiracy, to anyone besides me?

First off, "think" and "Joy Behar" shouldn't be in the same sentence, unless it's to note the lack of clear thinking.  To once again demonstrate the validity of that statement, it turns out Joy says Antifa isn't real! Imagine that!  

I guess none of those businesses were attacked and burnt to the ground.  It was all a lie.  Maybe all that was staged by Hollywood?  However, if none of that was a lie, and it really happened, and maybe they really were destroyed by a mob, then it must have been done by Republicans, conservatives, racists, anti-abortionists, white supremacists or ever worse....Christians, and all in collusion with one another.   

Yeah, and no one landed on the moon either, it was all staged in Arizona.

Here's columnist Jeff Charles' take on our girl Joy(less):

Of course, people like Behar who look down upon the masses from their comfortable ivory towers can easily pretend the progressive world is full of nothing but angels and fairy princesses, utterly devoid of evildoers. Indeed, the only danger the United States faces are those cruel orcs clad in MAGA hats and overalls. Deluded humans reside in this world, and they will not stop until the rest of society inhabits the same “fictitious” world.

But a Nitwit Brigade isn't made up of one person, Sunny Hostin, also on The View says:

"Does it feel like oppo-research to you? Does it feel like the Republicans are behind it?"

But among my favorite nitwits is Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia, who was made world famous for his insightful and intellectually astute observation - Guam may fall over into the ocean because too many U.S. Marines are stationed there.  Imagine that!

He's also concerned these "alleged" classified documents were planted and discovered conveniently, and casting doubt on whether or not they were even classified saying:

"My response to it all is that alleged classified documents showing up allegedly in the possession of Joseph Biden, there’s so much that needs to be investigated. But I’m suspicious of the timing of it. I’m also aware of the fact that things can be planted on people…Things can be planted in places and then discovered conveniently. That may be what has occurred here. I’m not ruling that out."

He's also touting, "The Republicans did it" narrative. But maybe, since these are only "alleged" classified documents, they're not really legitimate classified documents at all. They're fakes, and copies!

And that's the fiction of doubt regarding Biden's crime the left is attempting to plant in everyone's mind!  It's just a vast right wing Republican conspiracy, and it was the Republicans who planted these classified documents, and if they didn't they're responsible for how they were mishandled.   Now....who could possibly find fault with that kind of remarkable logic?  See, leftist really must be smarter than conservatives.  I don't know one conservative who could twist their mind into such knots in order to make this stuff up and draw those kind of conclusions.  

All those intellectually challenged conservatives keep insisting facts should be the basis for conclusions.  How gauche is that.  After all, it's the narrative that counts, and anything that is contrary to the narrative should simply be ignored.  It's kind of per-conceptual reality philosophy.  If you simply ignore any evidence that is contrary to the narrative, then the narrative must be true.   Right?

It's been reported Biden has spent 40% of his Presidency, "on vacation", and much of that time spent at his home, which has been under Secret Service Protection, for at the very least, all of his Presidency, during his Vice Presidency and presumably all the time in between.  So, in Part I  I pointed out some issues in logic, not to mention the lack of evidence, for this claim.  How in the world could anyone have planted those boxes of classified documents without being noticed? 

It would also be nice to have Biden release the visitor logs for those who came to his home....and for the last six years.  Because it has been suggested the Biden Crime Family was selling access, and was profiting from deals with enemies like China, which is an excellent explanation for why Joe Biden would steal and hide those documents versus "the Republicans did it" nonsense.   The Big Story: The Biden Crime Family Saga!    

Hunter Biden Lived at Biden Home Where Classified Documents Were Stashed, Records Show Scandal-plagued presidential scion's apparent access to top secret materials raises national security concerns.

This story gets more bizarre and convoluted by the minute.  Documents from 2018, falsely filled out by Hunter Biden, claim he owned Biden’s house and was paying $49,910 a month rent, now records show Hunter paid for household expenses including repairs.

That’s $598,920 a year to rent a home worth two million dollars? A home where classified documents were illegally being stored?  Clearly part of the Biden Crime Family system of “paying up” to the Boss, in this case called “the big guy”, Joe Biden.   

It seems to me Hunter’s laptop is going to be a part of this story, and now that the Republican House is taking up that investigation, what will be released to the public is going to get even more sordid and ugly than it is, and it may provide the reason why Biden stole those documents regarding violations of tax law, laundering money with China and other countries, including Ukraine.  We’ll see.

When is the FBI raid taking place? One question? Who would trust the FBI to conduct ANY investigation? Their purpose is to cover up the evidence and gas light the American people. Trump is repeatedly accused of illegal acts tantamount to treason, but nothing ever comes of it because it was nothing to start with.

But don't worry, we've been assured by another administration paragon of probity and virtue, Attorney General Merrick Garland, he has started a special council investigation appointing Robert Hur to oversee this investigation.  Should Someone This Dumb Be the Special Counsel Investigating Biden’s Stolen Classified Documents Scandal?  "Pardon me if I don’t swoon", and If Ilhan Omar is ‘glad’  a special counsel has been appointed, you have to believe the fix is in, except there are indications Mueller’s pit bull Andrew Weissmann is greasing the skids under Biden.

But for those nitwits who are severely allergic to facts and logic:  What if it really is the Democrat leadership who are behind this?  That must be especially concerning since the media ..... watch out now here it comes .... the media is no longer protecting Biden!  They're actually acting like journalists rather than propagandists for the Biden administration.  

But don't let these illusions fool you into thinking they've come to some kind of moral epiphany, this is no "come to Jesus" moment for these misfits.  They are still the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, and I think they are behind all this. 

Imagine that!  

Unfortunately, this administration and the Democrat party have caused so much structural damage to America, and the world, it's impossible to even enjoy this as a schadenfreude moment. 

There are two questions I know there are no rational answers for.  With all the corruption he and his family were involved in, what in the world made him run for President of the United States?  If he'd just staying home and shut his mouth, none of this may have come to light.  And if Jill had to know, and I can't believe she didn't, why in the world would she want him to do it?  

As I said, everything about this story is bizarre.  

Oh, one more thing. What's Kamala Harris saying about this?  It appears to me she's using the Sargent Shultz defense.  I see nothing, I know nothing, I didn't even get up this morning, I know nothing about everything".  All the while cackling, hugging herself and dancing around the room saying......I'm gonna be President, I'm gonna be President, I'm gonna be nauseum, knowing nothing about everything.  

What could possibly go wrong?

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