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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, January 16, 2021

U.S. Set To Test How Much Ruin Nation Can Take

By , Special to the Sun | January 15, 2021

Assertions that 2020 was a crazy year are literally true. It is clear that we should never have listened to, or at least taken seriously, the advice of public-health experts to shut down the economy of the Western world in order to “flatten the curve” of the increase in the incidence of the coronavirus.

There was early evidence of the inordinate vulnerability of elderly people and those with other significant ailments, and there was also plenty of evidence that a great many people had minimal symptoms or none at all, that we were only detecting a small minority of those who contracted the coronavirus, and that 80% of those who were deemed to have died from it had in fact died with it and other ailments, making the identification of the cause of death difficult.

Unjustified fear of a shortage of hospital beds is officially blamed for the decision of the governors of New Jersey and New York to send Covid patients to homes for the elderly, needlessly causing the deaths of many people. There was no thought or audible public discussion of what would happen after “flattening the curve”: If we opened up the economy, as the president promised and largely succeeded in doing, the curve would rise again, as it has done.

The Democrats, facing a lost election due to the full-employment, no-inflation, robust-lower-income-growth economy that President Trump’s policies created, generated panic and hysteria through their parrot press. Enough of the population was screaming for an economic shutdown to make it happen. Many millions were thrown out of work, hundreds of thousands of small businesses failed, and terrible hardship was inflicted on the country, along with an unbearable strain on the Treasury and the money supply and the deficit............To Read More....

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