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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Impeach Promoters of Violence. Let's Start with Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi! By Rich Kozlovich 

All during the four years of the Trump Administration we heard the left, including many members of Congress, promoting violence against conservatives, Christians, whites, Republicans, Trump administration personnel, and anyone who stood against their insane positions, and they're still doing it. 

To add foundation to my point this July 15, 2017 piece by John Hawkins, 20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes is a clear demonstration of my statement.  

Below is a picture that was sent to me via e-mail.  So the question remains. Who are the real promoters of political violence in America?  None of this was promoted by Trump, and neither was the riot at the Capitol.  So, why aren't these lunatics being impeached?

Here are some quotes to flesh out the logic, and hypocrisy, of the promoters of leftist violence.

"Tapper was silent when his CNN peer, Fredo Cuomo, demanded, “Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.” He also accepted AOC’s claim that “the whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable.” And you’ll look far and wide for Tapper talking about insurrection, sedition, or patriotism when anti-Kavanaugh leftists stormed and occupied the Senate office building. Tapper reminds us that leftists are neither serious nor principled people."

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