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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Kasich and Company!

 The Inevitability Factor: When Reality Reaches It's Apex!

By Rich Kozlovich

On August 19, 2020 Robert Arvay published this article,  How do we explain Republicans who support Biden? saying:
I personally know some Republicans who now support Biden for president. Mind you, these are people who vigorously opposed Obama's ruinous depredations of the American economy for eight solid years.
They ranted against his treacherous Iran deal. They decried his open borders policy. They voted for McCain/Palin and then, four years later, for Romney/Ryan. Finally, they rooted for one or the other of the Republican contenders in the 2016 primaries — any of them, that is, except Donald Trump. All the while, they excoriated the Clintons for their corruption and duplicity. Then something mysterious happened.
When Trump was nominated, these supposedly staunchly conservative Republicans seem to have voted, in 2016, for Hillary Clinton, the woman whom they would have fiercely opposed had the Republican nominee been Rubio, Cruz, Kasich, or anybody but Trump.
The fact that Trump leads from the front, AKA The Trump Doctrine, is changing the balance of power worldwide.  He has been dealing with immigration, neutering Iran, and with the new deal between Israel and United Arab Emirates, a major diplomatic coup against the jihadists and particularly Iran, and actually supporting Israel other Republican's only promised to do.
It's clear Trump's geopolitical policies are predicated on the recognition that:
 "over the next century......[it will be a ] contest among European socialism, Chinese communism, and American freedom.  "He ran for office by denouncing trade deals with China that had sold out America’s workforce for China’s and Wall Street’s enrichment. Once in office, he has played nice with the Middle Kingdom while strengthening our economic and military tieswith India, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Australia, as well as forging stronger alliances with Brazil and Panama to help freeze China’s advances in South and Central America in its tracks.
He has taken on Huawei; TikTok; and China’s planned 5G telecommunication networks in the U.K., India, and elsewhere before they could be used as backdoors for international surveillance.
He has allied himself with the freedom-fighters of Hong Kong and the independence movement in Taiwan, while placing aircraft carriers and reconnaissance aircraft within a hundred miles of China’s coast. The president is speaking softly, sharpening his stick, and preparing the United States for war before it’s too late.
But China likes Joe Biden, and the Democrats like China.
It seems awfully hypocritical at best for the same party that pushed the biggest political hoax in U.S. history regarding Russian collusion with the Trump campaign in 2016 to rationalize a hostile power’s preference for a U.S. presidential campaign this time around. This is just another proof that all the Left cares about is its own power, even above the safety of the fundamental U.S. institution of fair and free elections.
He has pursued the "secrets of the depth and extent of official corruption at the DoJ, the FBI, the CIA, and other agencies".  Does anyone doubt if Hillary had been elected all that corruption would have disappeared into a deep dark "Top Secret, Never to be Revealed" rabbit hole?  Secrets of criminal activity Hillary, Obama, Biden and a host of others were into right up to their chins.  

Everything he's done has been what they claimed they wanted.  Everything he's done has been in total opposition of what Hillary wanted, which they said they hated.  Everything he's done is in total opposition of what Biden stands for, which is now openly radical, and more openly radical than what Hillary admitted to!  And they're supporting Biden.   

Conclusion?  They lied about what they really want in order keep the party fooled, blindly loyal and ignorantly happy.  Their problem is, the base isn't ignorant any longer.  It isn't fooled any longer.  And they're not happy.

Conservatives refuse to vote for phony conservatives, as was seen with McCain and Romney.   The internet has exposed these people for who and what they are, and once truth is known, it's the truth forever, but it needs to be repeated regularly and often.  Here's another truth.  They're supporting a man the world recognizes as border line institutional with dementia or some other neurological disorder. 

A man that Kasich calls a man of faith. again playing the religion card, equating "big government and welfare spending with religious values".    His weirdness, arrogance, hypocrisy and heresy are clearly highlighted in this piece, Kasich's Conscience Prefers a President Who'll Put Boys in Girls' Locker Room.  Here's who John Kasich really is, and the long term damage he caused Ohio.  He once said he has the right to define conservatism as he sees fit.  He defines it in terms any leftist can understand, and applaud, with few exceptions.   After his eight years as governor of Ohio he "gave the state freehealth care for the poor, electric cars, energy taxes and environmental mandates. It came at a cost of middle-class taxpayers — people trying to breathe as they tread deep water."  And he would like to share that with the rest of the nation. 

Beyond any moral issues, Kasich and Company have to know they're supporting a party that is knowingly supporting criminal behavior.  A party that's notoriously ruined America's inner cities, and a party that's knowingly running a candidate who is not mentally competent to be President of the United States, and probably unfit to conduct his own affairs competently.

  • Does anyone really doubt that If Biden and Kamala win, the corruption will be off the charts?
  • That Biden will be institutionalized in short order?
  • That Kamala will be Acting President?
  • That Foreign policy and domestic policy will be predicated on insane anti-American leftist views, and will be even worse than under Obama?
  • That all the crimes committed by the Obama administration will cease to be investigated?
  • That  deep state corruption will become far worse than anything heretofore imagined?
  • That all elections will be rigged at every level? 
  • That Democrats will openly become what they've secretly been for decades, Socialist anti-American tyrants?
  • That the Constitution will be scraped. 
His final comments:
That is how illogical it is for supposed opponents of the radical left, spineless RINOs, to support the Biden/Harris ticket. Yet there it is. There they are. It's happening. Their loyalties are to themselves, and as far as they are concerned, you and your nation be damned.
Editor's Note:  Please review my files. RK

Update:  Here's Daniel Greenfield's latest piece regarding Kasich.   Never Trump Lobbyists and Consultants for Biden,which will appear in P&D tomorrow. RK

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