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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 6, 2018

Is This Really a Mistake?

By Rich Kozlovich

Recently the Gatestone Institute published an article by Malcolm Lowe entitled, "Is Trump About to Repeat Obama's Worst Mistake?" , saying if America leaves Syria, Turkey would be unopposed in dealing with the Kurds, ISIS would be back, and massacres will be common place. And the emotional hook is this would be repeating mistakes Obama made in withdrawing troops too soon.

Here's one example the author points to:
"As a result of Obama's mistake, ISIS was able to capture a vast area of northern Iraq with -- initially -- hundreds rather than thousands of militiamen. It happened because the Iraqi army officers in Mosul, bereft of their American advisors, panicked and fled, rendering their leaderless servicemen helpless victims of the smaller but well-led ISIS force."
So the self serving cowardice of the Iraqi officer corp was America's fault?  How about they weren't serious about fighting in the first place, and did they really abandon their troops, or did they reasonable recognize their troops didn't want to fight either and would have readily fled the battle leaving them to face the consequences of failure? 

There is no real national identity in any of these Muslim run crap holes and no loyalty to the nation by their army or their officer corp.  As a result there's nothing to unite and band these people together.   These military "leaders" have no emotional bond with their nation or their people.  All these Muslim countries are nothing short of Medieval tribal societies with modern weapons, transportation and communications, and their only loyalty is to their tribe, their family and whatever Islamic ideology their group has adopted.  The only binding force in any of these countries is the embrace of a particular Islamic ideology, and that transcends everything.  . 

All these "radicalized" Muslim groups like ISIS are not made up of one national identity. They're an amalgamation of nationals with a singular religious ideological identity attempting to create their own nation by killing anyone who disagrees with them.   And these groups are like the mythological Hydra.  If you cut off one head two grows in it's place.  It never ends!

Which brings me back to the main points.  When will leaving be the right time?  How much of our national treasury should we waste on these crap holes?  What is America's end game?  Where's the goal post?  What objective are we attempting to achieve?  No one seems to be able to definitively answer any of those questions!

So, if Trump did bring our boys home, would this really be a mistake?

There is no end in sight to this Middle East quicksand that's cost us trillions and probably tens of thousands of American lives. What have we gained from this? Nothing! It’s a never ending crisis we can no longer afford and no vision to attain any final solution.

The only reason for our involvement in the Middle East in the first place was oil.  And that was in order to keep the world’s economy functioning. Neither of which we need any longer as we can survive without either.

This is the end of the Bretton Woods era and Trump's perception on this is exactly in line with that clear historical fact.   We can't be the world's police force any longer.  Ending America's involvement in any nation's internal affairs is exactly the right direction we should be going.  If there's no direct benefit for America we need to stay out of their affairs.  If they butcher each other it's a terrible moral tragedy, but it's not our tragedy. 

We can’t afford Bretton Woods or the Middle East any longer and I wouldn’t spend one more American dollar or one more American life to save the entire Middle East, and I would take any restraints off Israel and let them do whatever they see fit.

These people who are criticizing Trump haven’t a clue as to what’s to be our end game scenario in the Middle East and keep insisting we keep doing the things that have failed to produce a positive result over and over again. That’s insanity!

I don’t care what happens to the Kurds, Syrians, Iraqi’s, Iranians, the Turks or any of these Muslim crap holes.  They own this mess, let them clean it up.   History has shown that as allies they are totally self serving and unreliable even to their Muslim "brothers".  And no amount of self-righteous moralizing will change that.

Why should we believe they would be different dealing with America, whom they all consider the "Geat Satan"?

When any one of these groups become ascendant they do what every other Muslim “ally” has done. Turn on us when it becomes convenient and butcher their enemies.

Let's mind our own business! let them butcher each other to their heart's content, ignore the emotional appeals and moralizing because they just want us to help in butchering their enemies!  That's who they are.  That's who they've always been.  That's who they will always be as long as they continue to embrace Islam.

We need to go home and tell them, the EU, the UN and anyone else who keeps insisting we do something to shove it.

My solution? Keep them poor, keep them unarmed as much as possible and keep them over there.

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