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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 20, 2018

Starbucks: The Corporate Embodiment of White Privilege

By Rich Logis

Unsurprisingly, Starbucks has confirmed what I've always suspected. It's a company run by mostly affluent whites, and mostly Democrats, who apologize guiltily for their privileged white affluence so that the other affluent privileged white Democrats with whom they socialize will commend them for apologizing for their privileged white affluence. It's the white affluent Democrat version of a pity party. In the wake of last week's arrest of two black men at a Philadelphia Starbucks, the DMIC (the Democrat Media Industrial Complex) was once again gifted the "white man preying upon innocent black men" narrative. This one will never lose its addictive, bloody, raw red meat appeal to Democrats, who believe that whites and police conspire on a daily basis to keep blacks manacled in slavery and oppression...........More

My Take - I keep hearing people say this manager "over reacted", even Laura Ingram made that statement.  But she acted according to company policy and now she's fired.  Did she have justification for her actions.?

I think she was totally justified. 

No one has the right to come into a business establishment and just hang out.  She had every right to ask them to either purchase something or leave.  And when she tried three times and they refused - they were imposing on her rights, and the rights of buying customers who would liked to have had a seat.  Why is that so hard to understand, and why is it so hard to grasp this was a set up. 

If these were real estate businessmen why did they dress like thugs?  Why didn't they just buy a cup of coffee?  Why was an activist sitting there waiting to take pictures?

This was a set up from the beginning and if I had been the owner of Starbucks I would have applauded the manager and attacked the cabal involved in this disgusting behavior.  I hope Starbucks gets what they deserves for this - that being less customers who buy something and more customers who demand the right to take up space and use the facilities and buy nothing!

How's this.  Let's invite all the street people who never bathe, never buy anything, sift through the garbage, mumble and even yell at people incoherently and beg for money to come to Starbucks and use the bathroom and relax out of the cold - all day!  Everyday!

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