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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, January 16, 2017

Fake News on Religion: Pew Continues to Confuse

Tom Trinko

Pew and the media have a history of spinning Pew polls to attack people of faith. One study by Pew falsely implied that atheists have more religious knowledge than do religious people. Another appeared to show that Americans are abandoning belief in God by combining people who believe in God but who aren't part of an organized religion with atheists and agnostics. Pew calls this hodgepodge group "nones," apparently to imply that they are lacking in faith, but the reality is that only a small part of this group actually lacks a belief in God – which a close reading of the Pew reports shows that even Pew agrees with........Yet Pew has to admit, without highly publicizing it, that 89% of Americans believe in God and only 3.1% say God does not exist, while a further 4% say they don't know.........Irrespective of the cause, however, the key take away is that one should never trust any conclusions that Pew puts forth on any topic.  You need to dig down into the details to see what their data really says to ensure that you aren't getting fake news........
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