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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Leftists and Their War of the Words: Part II

By Rich Kozlovich

What exactly does multiculturalism, diversity, fairness, equity, inclusion, inclusiveness, opportunity and empowerment mean?

To most of us we thought America was a multicultural society, with diversity popping out all over the place. America is the world! Every society from every country is represented here. In Cleveland alone we are - per ratio to size - one of the most diverse cities in America. If there's a food particular to any area of the world - there's a restaurant here in Cleveland serving it.

As for fairness - who decides what's fair? In my life I've discovered what's fair is often determined by whose ox is being gored. Fair is largely indefinable. Fair has no parameters or modalities. Who wrote the book of fair? No one! Fair can't be codified without being "unfair" to someone, and possibly to most.  If the left is to define "fairness" we can be assured that definition will be destructive to America.

Most of us think America is amazingly inclusive - far better than any other country in the world - offering amazing opportunities to those who are willing to work hard and live responsible lives.

But by use of the word empowerment, they expose what they really want.  Power!  They use these terms to use our own values against us in order to attain the power they so desperately desire.

So what do these words really mean to the left?

Racial quotas, discrimination against whites, men, heterosexuals, conservatives, traditionalists and Christians, with special rights and preferential treatment for protected minorities. The left is bereft of any moral foundation except for one thing - the one thing every leftist agrees to and desires - attain power by any means possible, including adopting any convenient philosophical flavor of the day, any scheme and any terminology that will get that power.

What really are their goals? 

The destruction of the American economy in order to bring about the destruction of the only thing that stands between them and world domination - the United States Constitution.    It there's any doubt, here are the published goals of communists, in order to destroy American society.

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