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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, August 26, 2016

How the Media Covers Up Black Lives Matter Racism

Daniel Greenfield
The most relevant parts of this account of an Asian reporter being attacked during the Milwaukee hate protests may be the revelation of just how much the media knows it's motivated by racism and how much it covers up.  Consider this very telling paragraph...
Shortly after I arrived, I saw the beginnings of a shoving match between a line of policemen in riot gear and the distraught residents of the neighborhood. I was the only non-black person there at the time—the other news crews had left—and my presence was soon questioned: Some pointed me out as an interloper; others, like the reassuring activist, told me I would be fine. I brushed off the more hostile comments as much as I could: They were angry, and anger doesn’t always hit its intended target.
That last sentence is fantastic. This is the kind of thing that the media sees on a regular basis and then spins as "peaceful protest suddenly turns violent." Even in a piece discussing the violent attack on him, Mak starts out by providing justifications for the attackers. .....To Read More....

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