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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Sheriff says African-Americans have been “Hoodwinked by this Monolithic Voting for Democrats”!

By Onan Coca

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke was on fire Tuesday morning when he made a guest appearance on Fox News’ Fox and Friends. He was asked about the upcoming presidential election and Donald Trump’s continued attempts to woo minority (specifically African-American) voters. Sheriff Clarke, who is well-known for his direct style, let loose citing history and data to buttress Donald Trump’s argument that now was the time for the black community to unite behind the GOP. Clarke admonished the Democrat Party for lying and taking advantage of the black community, who he said, had been “hoodwinked” into monolithically voting for the Democrats.
“Well, time will tell, but it has the potential because he’s making an appeal.   He’s pleading to black Americans who are stuck in these ghettos. You know, the American ghetto has replaced the cotton fields where Democrats have gathered blacks in the horrible and miserable positions for political power. The appeal for a guy running under the Republican nomination for the Republican label, I should say, I think is a step in the right direction.".....To Read More....

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