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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, July 2, 2016

The sun has 'gone blank' and there could be another ice age on the way

Libby Plummer

The sun has gone "completely blank" for the second time this month suggesting that Earth could be heading for a mini ICE AGE.  Earlier this month, there were no sunspots on the massive star's surface for four days - something which hadn't happened since 2011. This has since happened again.   A lack of sun spots is totally normal, but it does hint that the sun is heading for its next "solar minimum phase".

The next solar minimum phase is expected to take place in 2019 or 2020, says meteorologist Paul Dorian of Vencore Weather , who expects to see an increasing number of spotless days over the next few years.  The last time the sun saw a such a long phase with no sunspots, it ushered in what scientists refer to as a the 'Maunder Minimum' back in 1645.   This caused temperatures to plunge dramatically, and even resulted in the Thames freezing over...........Read More

My Take - The Maunder Minimum started in 1645 and continuing to about 1715 and the Dalton Minimum llasted from "about 1790 to 1830[1] or 1796 to 1820,[2] corresponding to the period solar cycle 4 to solar cycle 7."

Please note the Maunder Minimum ended in 1715 and the Dalton Minimum started in - at the earliest - in 1790.  That means there was only 75 years between these two minimums.  We've managed to go from - at the latest - from 1830 until now without a minimum, which means we've experienced a long - naturally occurring warming trend.  Yet it's a warming trend that's been minimal compared to the Midieval Warming or Roman Warming periods. 

Questions we need to ask:

1.  What caused these cooling and warming periods in past history?
2.   Since there was no industrialization to speak of were these cooling and warming periods naturally occuring?
3.  If they were naturally occurring were they cyclical?
4.  Since we know the Earth's temperature was substantially warmer then than it is now-  did any of the terrible things they're claiming will happen or are happening now happen then?


These are natually occuring cyclical events that was not caused by mankind and does not justify the scare mongering of the green movement.  Furthermore, there's absolutely nothing in the historical record to show any of these things occurred in the past when the world was substantially warmer, why then should we believe they will happen now? We shouldn't!

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