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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sheriff David Clarke: Black 'Lies' Matter

July 2, 2016 at 6:55 am 29

The Black Lives Matter movement “…doesn’t care any more about the lives of black people than the Ku Klux Klan…” Sheriff David Clarke asserted during an interview with Accuracy in Media. Clarke is the Sheriff of Miwaukee County, Wisconsin.
“Black Lives Matter, which I have renamed ‘Black Lies’ L-I-E-S Matter, it’s nothing more than an astroturf operation, it’s just the latest shallow disguised, confederation if you will, of community organizers and leftists that specialize in fostering disorganization and rebellion in ghettos and other struggling areas throughout the United States of America.”
Sheriff Clarke cited “a study done by Dr. Timothy Johnson of Toledo University…” that invalidates the widespread claim that police officers practice racial discrimination. He said the study found that twice as many white men “…are killed in police use of force situations” than black men.  “There is no research, there is not one bit of research or data that supports their lie—which is why I call them ‘Black Lies’—their lie about police use of force in the United States of America.”......Read More
My Take - And the media is saying what about this articulate and accurate statement? Oh....for those who don't go to the's Sheriff David Clarke's picture! 


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