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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Ryan says House won't vote on Democrat gun control bills

The House won’t vote on proposed Democratic gun curbs, Speaker Paul Ryan suggested Tuesday as the rekindled election-year clash over firearms showed no sign of resolution.  Ryan, R-Wis., said Democrats’ plans to broaden required background checks for gun buyers and to bar firearm sales to terror suspects were unconstitutional.

And though he did not directly say he would block votes on the Democrats’ bills, he said Republicans had no intention of rewarding Democrats for their lengthy House floor sit-in two weeks ago to demand gun-control votes. “Win elections and get the majority, then you can set the agenda,” Ryan said on the “Midday with Charlie Sykes” show WTMU radio in Milwaukee.

The House plans to debate GOP legislation this week that would let federal authorities block gun sales to suspected terrorists, but only if they could prove in court within three days that the suspect was planning to engage in terrorism. Democrats call that an impossible legal standard that makes that proposal ineffective.....Read more

My Take - After he gutlessly agreed to a vote on their gun bill - clearly a reward for the childishly idiotic behavior of the Democrats who sat like pouting babies on the House floor - a direct violation of House rules for which as far as I an tell will carry no punishment - he now says that rewarding them for their antics would be wrong.  And he didn't understand that before?   But now he has developed clarity - or is it a backbone?  I'll bet the calls to his office must have been hot and furious over his capitulation.  Apparently that's what it takes to rebuild the cartilage some backbones.  Washington must really be a cesspool.

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