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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Remembering Entebbe

 Jonathan Feldstein

If you've never heard of Entebbe you've probably never heard of what makes Entebbe famous, or why that matters.   As America celebrates July 4 as the anniversary of independence, Israel and those who support her celebrate the historic milestone and miracles connected to the rescue of hostages and heroic counter terrorism operation at Uganda’s capital also on July 4, 40 years ago.  The celebrated operation was comprised of imagination on steroids, tremendous bravery and numerous miracles. 

On 27 June 1976, an Air France plane with 248 passengers was hijacked by Arab and German terrorists, and flown to Entebbe, Uganda’s main airport. Uganda’s government provided cover for the hijackers who were welcomed personally by dictator Idi Amin.  In the ensuing week, as the United States was gearing up to celebrate its 200th anniversary of independence, Israel was gearing up for a brave, imaginative, and outrageously bold operation to rescue hostages held by the terrorists as yet another battle in a decades long fight to secure its independence......Read more...

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