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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Newt Gingrich Is An Intellectual Moron!

By Rich Kozlovich

An article appeared on July 8th by Jesse Byrnes entitled, "Gingrich: White Americans ‘Don’t Understand Being Black in America’" quoted Newt as saying:
"white Americans “don’t understand being black in America
Okay - I agree - let's see the things white Americans doesn't understand about black America.
Gengrich goes on to say:
“It took me a long time and a number of people talking to me over the years to begin to get a sense of this: If you are a normal, white American, the truth is you don’t understand being black in America and you instinctively underestimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk.”
What nonsense! What exactly does any of that mean?  That statement is one great big logical fallacy, and Gengrich is completely aware that's exactly what his statement is. First of all - the word discrimination is misued just as much as racism.  To be a racist is to hate someone of another race simply because they belong to that race. To discriminate is the make a judgment regarding something, anything or everything for that matter.  Someone is lauded for having discriminating taste, but is attacked for not liking someone of another race....particularly blacks. So tell me - why do we have to like anyone or any group if we choose not to?  Is it possible whites aren't racists or discriminatory in a negative way - but have merely evaluated black society and found it wanting?

Statistics and reality show why whites "discriminate" against blacks. They're afraid and have legitimate reason to be.

He continues saying:
“We’ve got to rethink what it means to be American and how we function together as an extended family.”
We don't need to do any such thing. We know what it means to be a real American. It means we get a job, go to work everyday, do the job we're hired to do, don't steal from the employer, don't give the employer fifty tons of attitude everyday, don't commit crimes, pay your bills and marry the women with whom we've chosen to have children with....see....simple! 

And we are not an extended family. We are a nation of diverse people who need to do one thing and one thing only - get a job and take care of your own responsibilities - that's what made America great, not any of this kumbaya clabber from over educated, undersmart elitists who've been catered to for entirely too long. 

But mostly we need to do is stop catering to every squeaking wheel and get everyone off the federal dole. Eliminate national federal welfare - it's destroyed black society and lays foundation for all the claptrap we see going on now by these black race baiters like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farakahn and Marxist rabble rousers such as Black Lives Matter. All of whom should be prosecuted for extortion.

But if we really want racial harmony we had just better stick to the statistics and stop this pandering, and here are the crime figures based on race from 1972 and 1997.
U.S. Department of Justice has conducted a National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) to determine the frequency of certain crimes. One category is interracial crimes. Its most recent publication (1997), "Criminal Victimization in the U.S.," reports on data collected in 1994. In that year, there were about 1,700,000 interracial crimes, of which 1,276,030 involved whites and blacks. In 90 percent of the cases, a white was the victim and a black was the perpetrator, while in 10 percent of the cases it was the reverse.
Another finding of the NCVS report is that of the 2,025,464 violent crimes committed by blacks in 1994, 1,140,670 were against whites - that's slightly over 56 percent. Whites committed 5,114,692 violent crimes; 135,360, or 2.6 percent were against blacks. 
In 1997, there were 2,336 whites charged with anti-black crimes and 718 blacks charged with anti-white crimes, so-called hate crimes. Although the absolute number of white offenders was larger, the black rate per 100,000 of the population was greater, making blacks twice as likely to commit hate crimes.
So Newtie - it would appear we really do understand what it means to be black in America -and we don't "instinctively underestimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk". We recognize it and don't like it! And if the economy tanks by 2020, which I think it will - we will have a massive civil war on our hands and no amount of elitist horsepucky is going to fix it.

I do so wish you and George Will, John Kasich, Karl Rove, Jeb Bush, Charles Krauthammer and all the other neocons would stop claiming to be conservatives.  None of you would have even been good "classical liberals".

Oh, one more thing.  Tell me again why you and Nancy Pelosi think we should support Global Warming and alernative energy initiatives, especially since someone like you is at the center of the information world - so you had to know it was all horsepucky.  I gotta tell you Newtie - I don't find your views trustworthy, and you haven't said anything to change that. 

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