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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Media Creates False Controversy Over Trump Tweet While Ignoring Hillary’s Actual Anti-Semitism

By Jeff Dunetz

For the last 48-hours the mainstream media has been going crazy calling Donald Trump an anti-Semite because of this tweet:


Let’s start with the Trump tweet.  I guarantee you that some low-level staffer found the image in something like a google image search. And yes I believe that staffer sold it up the line as a sheriff’s badge. In other words, it was a really stupid mistake.   Trump has a Shabbos-observant daughter (she even told Vogue Magazine how much she enjoys shutting down her electronics for 25 hours on the Sabbath). Trump’s orthodox Jewish son-in-law is one of his closest advisors, and he has three Jewish grandchildren–pretty hard to believe the man is a Jew hater…......Read about Hillary Clinton’s Blatant Anti-Semitism and more at the Lid  This appeared here.

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