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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Mass Shooting Stopped by Concealed Carry Hero — Where’s the Media Coverage?

By Dave Jolly

An angry psychotic bi-sexual Muslim walks into a gay nightclub in Orlando and starts shooting and the liberal media goes into a feeding frenzy like a school of sharks on a wounded seal. And like usual, the liberal media and politicians blamed the guns used and gun laws instead of the person.

Last Sunday, an intoxicated man entered a nightclub in Lyman, South Carolina, got into an argument with one of the patrons and then pulled out a gun and began shooting at people. Jody Ray Thompson, 32, shot three people and missed a fourth. That fourth person happen to have a conceal carry permit and was packing a gun, which he pulled out and shot Thompson with, wounding him and stopping any further shooting.

Lt. Kevin Bobo of the Lyman Police credited the un-named hero with saving lives, speaking about both men:.........In other words, a man who was legally carrying his gun in a nightclub used it to stop a man who was illegally carrying a gun from shooting more people.

Where is the media hype on this incident?

Where are the liberal politicians?......

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