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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Mass Shooting Not Stopped by Germany’s Strict Gun Laws [VIDEO]

By Dave Jolly

Every time there is a mass shooting in the US, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other liberal Constitution haters blame guns and call for stricter gun control laws. I’ve yet to hear a liberal Democrat ever blame the evil and sin in men’s hearts as being responsible for mass shootings as it’s always the fault of guns and gun laws. Some liberals have even tried to pass legislation to make gun manufacturers liable for the violence of the criminal using their firearm. This makes as much sense as making General Motor liable for the actions of someone who intentionally uses a Chevy to run over someone, or making Ortho responsible for a wife using their bug poison to murder her husband.

Nevertheless, Hillary and Obama continually try to blame our lack of anti-Second Amendment laws for all of the mass shootings here in the US. They seem to ignore that many of the states and cities, like Chicago, that have the strictest gun control laws in the nation are also among the places with the highest rates of gun violence.

So let’s look at the mass shooting that just took place at the Munich, Germany shopping mall......To Read More...

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