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Friday, July 1, 2016

Magical Moron Moments: Burn Your Feet with Tony Robbins

Posted on by Alex Berezow

Tony Robbins is a motivational speaker and self-help guru who believes in “magic moments.” His biggest magic moment is convincing people to hand over nearly $3,000 for the honor of listening to him speak and walking over a pit of burning coals. That last part often isn’t as magical as planned, however.

Last week in Dallas, at one of Robbins’ “Unleash the Power Within” seminars, 30 people had to be treated for burns to their feet, five of whom were taken to the hospital. And this isn’t the first time that people got burned at one of Robbins’ firewalking events. Back in 2012, some attendees received second- and third-degree burns.

To be fair, lots of people have gone firewalking without any problems. So, why do some people walk (or limp) away with blisters? According to low-information people — such as those who pay $3,000 to listen to Tony Robbins — it’s because they weren’t in the proper mindset. It’s about mind over matter. Robbins groupie Bill Carmody writes:
“Tony Robbins’ only intent is to call people to breakthrough [sic] their mind’s limitations and become more of themselves… He’s a true master of the human psyche.”.....To Read More....
My Take - The reality we should take away from this- and other stupid events such as the New Age guru James Arthur Ray who got people to pay $10,000 to sit in a way over heated indian sweat lodge to.....well....I'm not exactly sure what it accomplishes....except  out of the "fifty-five people who followed Ray into the sweat lodge; three died from overheating and 19 others were hospitalized after they collapsed, vomited, had trouble breathing, hallucinated, foamed at the mouth or fell unconscious." 

The real concern to take away is this almost religious need for an "enlightened guru" to guide our thoughts and actions. Gurus who are flawed human beings with no real moral foundation who make up their own rules for their own benefit. Does anyone really beleive these "self improvement" con artists are doing this for the benefit of humanity? Does anyone really believe these "self imporvement" con artists would do all this for free.

Is it any wonder Jim Jones could convince his followers to commit suicide and kill their children?

When society abandons those values and moral foundations that made them great they will fall for anything. That's what's happened in America, and why Obama has a 50% approval rating and only 49% of the population believe Hillary lied about Benghazi. We've lost our minds!

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