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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, July 2, 2016

How Muslims are Reforming America

By Jim Beers

I am reminded of the recently beefed up “Terrorism” Laws that this same Congress and President stampeded us into accepting as a Muslim shoe bomber tried to down a plane over Detroit; a Muslim employee beheaded a coworker in Oklahoma; Muslim one-way pilots killed passengers and used the planes as explosive missiles; a Muslim Army Officer conducted a massacre at Ft. Hood; 2,000 dead New Yorkers and two missing Manhattan skyscrapers; terrorist attacks on a USA Embassy, a USA warship, and a USA office in Benghazi; a Muslim husband and wife killed coworkers in California; and an Orlando nightclub clientele are massacred under the most horrific circumstances. Who could be against these beefed-up laws and penalties that this government assured us were needed?

Well you can count me in as against both.

Why? Because the terrorism laws were only sparingly applied to Muslim terror crimes that were called “Domestic” or “Workplace” Violence and the perpetrators were charged under the older laws where penalties were less and lawyers could more easily explain the poor perpetrators upbringing and poor understanding of American law and misunderstanding of Christianity as simply a rare phenomenon of more primitive immigrants brought here by government trying to integrate into society. Simultaneously, the Congress and the President pontificate and identify “white extremism” and the Christian/European Crusades over a millennium ago as the terrorism threat to America – something that was never mentioned or even inferred as terrorism laws were being passed and beefed-up!

“But Wait!” to quote the TV charlatans selling liquid rubber and other patent medicines: why did they pass those terrorism laws? They passed them and are using them to incarcerate, shoot and charge ranchers in the western USA that protest criminal mistreatment by federal bureaucrats! The terrorism laws are nothing more than another tool for the federal government to oppress opposition and citizens they intend to crush.

All of which brings us to the vaunted “No Fly List”. There are no stated or certain requirements for being named (understandably and justifiably I might add) on the List if we are to attain safety from hard-to-identify Muslim (who else really?) terrorists. Yet, a government that will protect Muslim terrorists from the consequences of terrorism laws specifically passed to protect the rest of us from Muslim terrorism while charging American ranchers protesting criminal government abuses with those very same Terrorism Laws will just as readily put the rest of us (me for writing this?) on a “No Fly List” just like the destruction of evidence of an IRS political activist denying political opponents the same government treatment extended to her own Party goes unpunished and actually rewarded.

The point isn’t that you can appeal to get off or obtain an explanation of why you are on the “No Fly List”; the point is that government can prevent you from buying (or possessing) a gun, as the Constitution provides, for months and years. Simultaneously, guys like me can be forced to accept deadly government-wolves and government-grizzly bears; prematurely-evacuated prisons; and left cowering in unarmed fear, avoiding any contact with or even the mention of Muslim threats to my family, my community and my Nation!

Yes, Muslims are a big (along with others) factor in reforming America from a Constitutional Republic to a tyranny of factions ripe for dictatorship and Sharia in whatever form the strongest have in mind.

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Jim Beers is a retired US Fish and Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC.  He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the Aleutian Islands.  He has worked for the Utah Fish & Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor in Washington, DC. He testified three times before Congress; twice regarding the theft by the US Fish and Wildlife Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding Federal Invasive Species authority. He resides in Eagan, Minnesota with his wife of many decades. Jim Beers is available to speak or for consulting You can receive future articles by sending a request with your e-mail address to:

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