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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Gretchen Carlson files sex harassment suit vs. CEO Roger Ailes

Fox News star also accuses Steve Doocy of 'pervasive' treatment

Cheryl Chumley About | Email | Archive

Fox News star Gretchen Carlson, 50, filed a sexual harassment suit against her now-former boss, network CEO Roger Ailes, accusing him of sexual harassment – and saying in the same court filing her former morning co-host Steve Doocy was guilty of the same.

The full complaint is available here, but Carlson posted on Facebook on Wednesday morning: “As you may have heard, I am no longer with Fox News. I value your support and friendship, especially now, so please stay in touch with me."

The Daily Mail reported Carlson said she was let go on June 23 for refusing to have sex with Ailes. She worked for the network for 11 years, serving as co-host in the popular morning “Fox and Friends” show and as a host of her own afternoon news broadcast......Read more

My Take - Actually - I believe her.  I'm really disappointed in Doocy as he came across as a good guy.   However, I've been disappointed with Fox News for a few years, and I include some of their big names like O'Reilly.  They have ladies dressed and seated to show off their legs - why? Sure, they look great, but isn't this is supposed to be about news, history and public policy - or is it really all about eye candy?

It's clear O'Reilly would have his "blonde" guests as eye candy because he didn't want to hear - and didn't care - what they had to say or he wouldn't have interupted them constantly.  And I've wondered what these "contract issues" were Andreana Tantaros had with Fox causing her to be pulled off the air.

As for Ailes - I lost all confidence in him when he catered to Robert F. Kennedy promoting a global warming documentary in 2008.  Although I've seen through this AGW clabber from the beginning - and was in the minority and laughed at - but by 2008 it should have been obvious to anyone Anthropogenic Global Warming was a big crock of horse pucky!  Ailes is at the center of the information world - he had to know AGW was all about scare mongering, hyperbole, speculation and outright lies and he had to know the real purpose to all this green scare mongering.  As former French President Jacques Chirac once said - the  Kyoto  was the "First Step Toward Global Governance".  That was in the year 2000.  Was Roger Ailes sick that year? 

There's a lot about Fox News I dislike and Ailes is at the top of the list.  As far as I'm concerned they've used up their bank account of good will ---- and credibility. 

Got get'em Gretchen!

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