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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, July 9, 2016

FEATURED ARTICLE: Wither goest the United States of America?

By Maury Siskel

I thought first about a cute beginning in how Jake (my black lab) and I watched the hearings today and . . .What utter, base, disintegration of the nation where I live.

I've listened to Fireside Chats by Franklin Roosevelt. I watched the investigations of Pearl Harbor,  of Admiral Kimmel and General Short.  I watched the Army McCarthy hearings. I watched the investigations of Nixon; the Watergate hearings.  I saw the photos and heard the reports of the sinking of the Panay , of the rape of Nanking, of the 31st Infantry attempts to oppose the Chinese in Russia. I watched the pictures of the Battle of Britain, of the fall of Czechoslovakia and Poland when France and England decided to ignore their treaty obligations with those countries.

I remember Neville Chamberlain waving his paper as he disembarked from meeting Hitler saying 'peace in our time' before the eruption of the greatest war in our time. Memories of the massive events of WWII from 1937 to 1945 remain vivid. I poured iron in a manual foundry with blacks and whites as North Korea invaded South Korea. I spent exactly six months as a combat infantryman with the 31st Inf. in Korea -- I emerged tens of pounds lighter and with a decision to spend the rest of my life working to improve the effectiveness of US military forces.

And now I have watched the results of apparent collusion of the President, the Attorney General, and the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The filth into which these people have immersed this nation is beyond words. I cannot describe the depths of my sorrow over where they have and are leading this nation.

And now we find ourselves on the verge of electing a new President who has held many national leader posts; First Lady, Secretary of State, and now on the verge of the Presidency. She has openly lied about her behavior to the general public, she has lied openly to congressional committees, and she has lied openly to the FBI. She has had great help from all of these elements of our government. The FBI "questioned" her and has reported her lies again. But the Director of the FBI did not even attend her 'questioning" and his agency, the FBI, neither placed her under oath nor did they even record her questioning.

And perhaps President Obama provides an amazing climax with this praise on 5 July 2016 for Hillary Clinton to become the next President of the United States: "Everybody can tweet, but nobody actually knows what it takes to do the job until you've sat behind the desk," Obama said. "There has never been any man or woman more qualified for this office than Hillary, ever, and that's the truth."

The collusion in this disintegration of the Republic by the President, the Attorney General, and the Director of the FBI is apparent even though not yet provable in a court of law. If the nation survives until the elections in five months, we will be fortunate.

But will this nation really proceed to elect this lady as our new President?

Wither goest the United States of America?

Maury Siskel is a retired scientist in Texas who an occasional contributor, and he sends me material that appears on P and D regularly. 

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