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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 3, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: Security Source Details Bill Clinton Maneuver to Meet Loretta Lynch

Former president delayed Phoenix takeoff to snare '20-25 minute encounter' with Attorney General


An exclusive interview with a security source who was present at the unplanned meeting Monday night on a Phoenix tarmac between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Lorretta Lynch has shed additional light on an unusual summit that is embroiling the AG in charges of favoritism......This person was on-hand for the entirety of the meeting and some of its aftermath.... the attorney general was caught completely off guard by the meeting and the source dismisses suggestions that have been raised alleging that she waited there to see Bill Clinton or accommodated his request to see him. In fact, it seems from this source that it was Bill Clinton who was maneuvering for face time with the attorney general, because his plane had been scheduled to leave before hers arrived......Read more....

My Take - This writer claims Lynch was caught off guard, and I'm not so sure I disagree, as she's clearly not the brightest pebble in the brook and it's not like she's working for a boss who wants to go after the Clintons.  If that happens Hillary will take down a lot of people with her - and everyone knows it - including Barry. 

But did she really get taken by surprise?   It this was so accidental why was it there were " FBI agents on the ground around the parked airplane were demanding no pictures, no video, no microphones of reporters around the airplane?"   Lynch has no clear touchstones for her actions and judgments, constantly having to balance what she should or shouldn't do while appeasing a corrupt incompetent boss, but this sure sounds planned to me. 

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