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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Europe’s Immigration Policies Have Resulted in Another Mass Sexual Assault

By Joe Scudder

Thanks to Europe’s irresponsible immigration policies, the trend of mass sexual assault continues. While Europe has plenty of homegrown problems, mass sexual assaults are an alien import. Recently another instance was reported, and reports actually admitted that the culprits were “foreign young men.”  Breitbart reports that Swedish police received complaints of sexual assaults at a two-day music festival. Naturally, the mainstream press tried to hide the obvious common link between the perpetrators, other than that they were male. The fact that they were also migrants only came out because witnesses stepped forward and publicly testified......Remember, these “refugees” are mainly young, single men—not women and children. While the media will hide the fact, it seems as if Europe is importing soldiers for an army. A majority aren’t even from Syria........Read more.

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