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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 21, 2016

A Kayak Instructor and an Actor Walk into a Bar: One Canadian's Look at the 2016 Political Landscape

Morgan Parker

With the 2016 presidential election quickly approaching, it’s about time I raise my hand and toss my two cents onto the table. Why? Because I’m Canadian, so I think I have a reasonably unbiased view of the dramatics and posturing going on down there. Also, when I look at the economic climate and political culture happening in your country, I see some similarities with what the US is dealing with today and what we dealt with a year or so ago.

Allow me to state my disclaimers. I’m not a politics guy. My wife holds a bachelor’s degree in political science (in my defense, I didn’t discover that ghost in her closet until after we were engaged), which offsets my own ignorance. And, as mentioned above, I’m Canadian. But my specialty is economics and common sense, which have nothing to do with my nationality.

There are two obvious parallels between the US today and Canada in 2015 when we hit the polls. The first parallel is that when we elected Justin Trudeau, our economy was pretty strong. Not thriving. Not the kind of economy where you felt it was 2007 all over again. But it was strong enough. Despite some soft jobs numbers for May, the US economy is doing alright. So JT (Justin Trudeau, not Justin Timberlake who would also make for a pretty cool president, or “prime minister” as he’s officially known in Canada, and kudos to my wife for the clarification) had the tailwind of a strong economy at his back just as Trump does today. .....To Read More....

My Take - Another strange article....And these are the tame ones, but then again....he's Canadian.  Sorry to my Canadian readers.  Of course those who read P and D probably agree with me, after all, Trudeau's father was a disaster for Canada and they kept electing him and the son is either clueless or insane. 

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