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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Newspapers floundering on digital paywalls

Thomas Lifson August 16, 2013
The newspaper industry is flailing about, desperately trying to replace the revenue which disappeared with the arrival of the internet, giving every appearance of being in its death throes. In the latest example of pre-demise convulsions, the San Francisco Chronicle has quietly dropped its paywall, instituted but four months earlier…….Pinch Sulzbereger and his management team can't be happy to see this happen. The New York Times is betting that enough of its fans will be willing to pay for full access online. The Times has become the house organ of the blue staters no matter where they live, serving a psychological function of validating their worldview and plugging them into a progressive party line. They have a better chance of convincing people to pay for full access. The Wall Street Journal occupies a unique niche with business news (and tax deductible subscription fees). But your average large metropolitan daily has lesser prospect. At the bottom of the Poynter piece we see:…To Read More….
My Take - If the NYT was going bust with its print editions it was because more and more people stopped reading it.  As for the leftists who think the NYT is the end all and be all....they don't have the numbers to save this Gray Lady because The Lady is a Hag.

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