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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The President's Plan and the Facts II

By Rich Kozlovich

I have been included in a group involved with scientific concerns regarding alternative energy, and receive updates of current events regarding 'global warming' and 'wind energy'. Wind energy is inappropriately termed 'alternative energy'. It isn't! Wind energy is an alternative to 'solar energy', but neither of them are alternatives to any other traditional energy producing arrangement on the planet....unless there is no traditional energy plant available. That makes it emergency energy, which is always temporary and unreliable for normal energy use that promotes economic progress. Here is the latest update.

Part 1:

The President followed up on his Talk with more of the same in his latest weekly radio address.
One wag noted that based on the President's claims about CO2 — then everything out of his mouth is a pollutant.
Another: A "flat earther" is someone who clings too long to a failing paradigm— like Global Warming.
A meteorologist'sgraphic explanation of how well the climate computer models are doing
A discussion of CO2 sources, and the IPCC's involvement
An excellent analysis of the EPA and how these unelected bureaucrats are profoundly impacting your life

Part 2:
Speaking of Global Warming (and the last item above), I see that NRDC now has a "tool" for any US citizen to assess the "Climate Change" effects in their community. This is a perfect example of how divergent political science is from real science.
I put in my NC zip code and up came these dire warnings (below). I highlighted the interesting fact that my NC community is being simultaneously warned about excess water and drought. This is what we call "covering our bases."
The "smog" alert is also puzzling as there is no industrial complex in this rural county, and (in being there 20 years) I've never heard of smog being an issue. This national study doesn't even mention our area — or any place else within a few hundred miles!
I've never seen ragweed there either, but Wikipedia says "Today, no area in the United States is free of ragweed pollen" so I guess that NRDC is safe at telling everyone that this is a problem — caused by climate change, of course.
The only large local wildfire since 2006 that I am aware of was determined to be due to human neglect. Evidently they now must have proven that there is a strong causal correlation between climate change and carelessness.

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