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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

GOP Cordray cave (yet) another betrayal of conservatives, conservatism

By Neil W. McCabe Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Senate Republicans rejected pleas from conservatives to stand on principles against the “nuclear option” threatened by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), when they helped July 16 confirm Richard Cordray as the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  Reid’s nuclear option would have, through a parliamentary maneuver, lowered the threshold for closing debate from 60 votes to a simple majority—effectively ending the filibuster as a tool for the minority party to delay the Senate actionCordray was the big one……Upon that confirmation, the CFPB spins out of the Treasury cocoon to the Federal Reserve, where the Fed would provide the bureau funding, but have no oversight. No oversight by the Fed and funding independent from congressional appropriations were just two ways the bureau was designed to be immune from political pressure—read: democratic pressure…….The compromise was engineered by Sen. John S. McCain III (R.-Ariz.), who traded Cordray in exchange for Reid agreeing not to break the rules to change the rules.
But, do not worry, Republicans are now saying, because when the GOP takes over the Senate in 2014, everything will be different…..To Read More…..

Reader Comment:
After reading this, ponder how relieved one can feel about such a fine example of the benefits of so-called rational compromise. The Constitution stipulates that the House and the Senate make the rules by which those bodies will operate. The Senate was in session. The President decided that in his opinion the Senate was not in session and he made four appointments to executive agencies that require advice and consent of the Senate. When the Senate is not in session, such appointments are temporary and legal. A federal court has already help that Obama's appointments were illegal because the Senate was in session.
Today’s compromise might be very convenient and saved the Senate from destruction of the filibuster. It seems to me that sometimes, one has to accept the rules as they stand and deal with the consequences as they arise. The appointment of Cordray and the three appointments to the NLRB were clearly illegal and found so in court (an appeal to the Supreme Court has been accepted and will be decided in a year or so. Such is life. If Senator Reid wishes and has the votes to destroy the filibuster, then so be it. That would simply be another disagreement to be coped with as best the nation can or maybe as it cannot. On the present path, the nation has decided again that it cannot.
Thanks, but no thanks again to an establishment repub[lican] ....and his colleagues.
But I believe the course engineered by Sen. McCain was a mistake; thus we continue down the path of diluting the Constitution. And the gradual dissolution of the United States continues toward Statism and socialism which continues the disintegration of the US as a constitutional republic.
So be it, but I am very sorry to watch this process,

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